Sunday, 30 September 2018

******** 奥迪合成四跑车(8J3)L4-2.0L Turbo(CDMA)技术诊断和修理#101001日 期:100122



10 10 01


一月22 2010年。











该瀚德离合器并最终驱动是一个结构单元与独立石油路。作为一部分的维护的最终驱动,它是有必要检查的油位和检查泄漏。 这是没有必要变更的石油。

在瀚德离合器,石油必须是周期性改变。 观察车辆特定维护手册(瀚德油改变)和维修手册





所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务手册最新信息。

******** 奥迪S5四敞篷车(8F7)V6-3.0L SC(出的积极贡献)的技术诊断和修 理#011366日期:130117

发动机控制MIL上,DTC P1137/P1139系统丰富的01MIL上,DTC为"系统丰富的"(P1137和/或P1127/P1139/P1129)

01 66 13










在极端的驾驶条件,例如驾驶模式的主要是简短的距离(走走停停)的驱动的高曲轴箱中的压力可能导致的上述DTC码。 通过改变曲轴箱压阀以较低工作压力这种条件下可以改进并消除

所提到的可能的DTC码。 随着曲轴箱中的压力正在下降,新的ECM软件平是必需的,以补偿新的





1. 换曲轴箱压力调节阀使用维修手册提供的指示在埃尔莎网页(引擎>>发动机的机械>>17润滑>>拆卸和安装>>盖与石油分离器)号06E103547H的。


2. 按照所有说明的附TSB2011732 00软件版本管理(SVM),操作指令。


3. 更新的01(发动机控制模块)使用SVM行动代码表中所列述,如果有必要的。






^TSB2011732 00软件版本管理(SVM),操作指令。所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务













TSB2011732 00软件版本管理(SVM),操作指令。

******** Audi TTS Quattro Roadster (8J9) L4-2.0L Turbo (CDMA) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 271002 Date: 100226

Electrical - Battery Testing/Charging Information

27 Battery testing and charging

27 10 02


February 26, 2010.

Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 27 number 10-01 dated February 16, 2010 for reasons listed below.

Affected Vehicles



Battery testing and charging must take place directly at the battery for vehicles that meet all of the following four conditions:

^ Batteries are located in the trunk area.

^ Jumper posts are located in the engine compartment.

^ Vehicle does not have a battery energy manager (BEM).

^ Vehicle may or may not have a battery monitoring control module, J367 (BDM).

Technical Background

Inaccurate test results will occur if the testing and/or charging takes place at the jumper posts in the engine compartment. This is due to the added

resistance in the system between the battery and jumper posts.

Production Solution

Not applicable.



Midtronics MCR340V handheld tester for vehicles without J367 (BDM):

1. Connect the tester directly to the battery posts.

2. Enter the DIN value listed on the battery.

Midtronics INC-940 diagnostic charging station for vehicles without J367 (BDM):

1. Connect the charging station directly to the battery posts.

2. Enter the DIN value listed on the battery.

VAS scan tool for vehicles with J367 (BDM):

Follow Guided Fault Finding battery test plan in service work.


Midtronics INC-940 diagnostic charging station:

Connect the charging station - auto mode


^ For vehicles equipped with a battery monitoring control module (J367) (BDM): Connect the InCharge 940 negative cable clamp to the vehicles

negative battery cable at the body attachment point (Figures 1 and 2). J367 is clamped directly to battery negative post.

Tip: This connection ensures J367 remains in the loop so that it may provide battery charge data to the Gateway, J533.

^ For all other vehicles: Connect the charging station directly to the battery posts.

^ Enter the DIN value listed on the battery.

Connect the charging station - manual mode

^ For all vehicles: Connect the InCharge 940 to the battery jumping posts in the engine compartment.

^ Enter the DIN value listed on the battery.


This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.

Additional Information

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

******** Audi A4 Quattro Wagon (8K5) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical Service Bulletin # 911128 Date: 111209

Navigation Sys. - MMI Map Region/Language Retrofit

91 - MMI Map Region/Language Retrofit

91 11 28


December 9, 2011.


Affected Vehicles


Customer is inquiring about retrofitting the MMI system with a language pack or map database outside of factory available options.

Technical Background

Navigation systems equipped in US spec vehicles come pre-loaded from the factory with:

^ Navigation maps for USA/Canada.

^ English (US), Spanish (Mexican), and French (Canadian) system languages.

It is not possible to change the language pack or map database to something outside of what is available on the vehicle from the factory for the

following reasons:

^ Software and hardware differences between US spec and Rest of World (ROW) spec modules can create communication issues in the vehicle.

^ Installing a ROW navigation database or language pack onto a US spec module is not possible.

^ The SVM system will not code or parametrize the replacement modules correctly, and will prohibit necessary SVM codes from being run in the


Production Solution

Not Applicable.


Inform the customer that retrofitting the MMI system with a different language pack or map database is not technically possible and is not supported.


This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.

Additional Information

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

******** 奥迪A4轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)技术服务公告#911242日 期:120620



91 42 12





客户抱怨的图像质量的后备份摄像机图像接口的屏幕。 申诉可以是一个或所有的








说明:广角备份摄像机镜头(大约140��)提供了一个圆形的或弯曲的图像(鱼眼)。 该软件的内部接口必须

理顺这个"曲线"图像,以适应的矩形区域内的接口屏幕上。 结果,从相机拍摄照片所示的接口屏幕小急或者重点的在角落的图像比较中心的图像。 这是更加引人注目的在车辆更大的接口




说明:备份摄像机的调整图像的接口动态画面,在响应环境光,并试图找到最佳表示亮度,相反,和颜色(相当于曝光控制的一个照相机)。 作为结果的总体亮度,相反,


照相机没有配备有红外线过滤器,用于夜间观察。 这也导致差异的颜色。 亮度图像可以





摄像头的图像)。 由于大尺寸的某些接口屏幕、在线出现的要素化,因为他们"炸"(图3)。 对于车辆周围视摄像头(与顶级的视角来看),该线是动态产生如矢量图(比例缩)









额外信息所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务

手册最新信息。******** 奥迪TT四跑车(8J3)L4-2.0L Turbo(CCTA)技术诊断和修 理#191335日期:130325




19 35 13














1. 根据它的颜色、标识其冷却剂的车辆充满了从工厂(图1)。



2. 使用本表时,如果确定车辆是否具有正确的冷却剂(图2)。 如果车辆被发现有不正确的冷却剂、漏和





注:W12 6.3发动机需要特别G13冷却液:克A13A8JM1的。 没有其他的冷却剂是允许的,并且没有其他的冷却剂中混合起这个




ElsaWeb并重新充满水,并发动机的运行15分钟的加热器上,以删除任何残余的冷却剂。 然后排水和填补








所有部分和服务的引用在此提供的技术公告的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门

инструкции для последней информации.******** Audi R8 Quattro Coupe (423) V10-5.2 L (BUJ) техническая диагностика и ремонт 911249 Дата: 120731

Сотовый Телефон - Не Может Спарить Телефон Блуэтоотх(Р) К Кораблю

91 Bluetooth-телефон не может быть сопряжен с автомобилем

91 12 49


31 июля 2012.

Заменяет Бюллетень технической службы группы 91 № 11-09 от 20 сентября 2011 по причинам, перечисленным ниже.

Пострадавшие Транспортные Средства


Телефон Bluetooth (R) не может быть подключен к информационно-развлекательной системе транспортных средств.

техническое образованиеНекоторые ограничения присутствуют при подключении устройства Bluetooth к автомобилю. Эти ограничения различаются в зависимости от системы автомобиля.

производственное решение



1. Убедитесь, что сотовый телефон клиента находится в списке совместимости Bluetooth. Вы найдете последний релиз на


2. Перейдите в соответствующий раздел на основе оборудования автомобиля.

Совет: на некоторых телефонах, если соединение уже было установлено, есть дополнительные подтверждения, которые должны быть приняты кавтоматическая повторная пара. Это включает в себя Blackberry и некоторые устройства Android.


1. Убедитесь, что Bluetooth включен в меню Bluetooth на телефоне и в автомобиле.

2. Выбор видимости Bluetooth в меню Bluetooth повлияет на функциональность сопряжения, если сопряжение инициируется с телефона:

Выкл: автомобиль не может быть замечен любым устройством Bluetooth.

Авто: автомобиль виден для устройств Bluetooth со скоростью до 5 км / ч и до 5 минут после включения зажигания.

On: автомобиль всегда виден независимо от скорости или времени зажигания.Если сопряжение инициируется с транспортного средства, указанные выше параметры не применяются.

3. Во время сопряжения PIN-код будет сгенерирован или запрошен у пользователя. Для того чтобы спарить телефон к кораблю просто подтвердите штырь на любом приборе

в зависимости от метода сопряжения.

Совет: если автомобиль и мобильный телефон поддерживают метод подключения "безопасное простое сопряжение" (MMI3G+ от 22/2011, RMC от

45/2010), после этого соединение Блуэтоотх можно сделать пока управляющ. Этот метод обеспечивает штырь 6 чисел который появляется как на корабль, так и на

мобильный телефон. Просто подтвердите 2 штыря эти же для того чтобы соединиться.4. Если все значения установлены правильно, и телефон все равно не будет подключаться, пожалуйста, следуйте стандартным процедурам диагностики.


1. Убедитесь, что Bluetooth включен в меню Bluetooth на телефоне.

2. Процесс сопряжения должен быть завершен с телефона, так как нет никакой опции для поиска телефонов от MMI.

3. С MMI 2G автомобиль виден только до 5 км / ч и до Макс. Через 5 минут после включения зажигания.

4. С UHV может корабль всегда видим для кораблей построенных после CW 22/2008. Для транспортных средств, построенных заранее, он виден до 5 км / ч идо Макса. Через 5 минут после включения зажигания.

5. По умолчанию используется PIN-код 1234. В MMI 2G PIN-код можно изменить в меню настроек Bluetooth. В автомобилях RNS-E под настройками телефона.

Пин-код нельзя изменить в других радиоприемниках.

6. Если начальное соединение все еще терпит неудачу, то для UHV СМОГИТЕ и корабли MMI 2G проверить в 77-Приемопередатчик телефона что канал 133 приспособления

на 1 (Bluetooth включен) и канал 134 на 0 (cradle не установлен). В добавлении, для кораблей MMI 2G оборудованных: проверите также в 07 -

Дисплей / блок управления, канал адаптации 12 на 2.7. Если все значения установлены правильно, и телефон все равно не будет подключаться, пожалуйста, следуйте стандартным процедурам диагностики.


Этот TSB является только информационным и не применяется к любой гарантии Audi.

дополнительная информация

Все части и сервисные ссылки, представленные в этом TSB, подлежат

изменение и / или удаление. Всегда проверяйте с

Ваши Отдел частей и руководства по обслуживанию для самой последней информации.

******** 奥迪Q5Quattro(8RB)V6-3.2L(CALB)技术诊断和修理#571159日 期:111021体外部门的密封是松散/分离


57 59 11












服务在情况下的外部密封门已成为部分分离,可能不需要更换外门的密封。 密封件,可以重新连接


1. 检查所有四个门。

^所有未损坏的,以前并没有得到修复,或者松散的海豹一支队长小于10厘米,将修复。 完整的步骤2-9下来





除了维修手册说明更换门封的观察所如下:彻底清除该地区的密封的附件塑料更清洁D009 401 04. 允许该地区的密封的附件完全干燥(至少5分钟)。 用粘合剂D355 205A2使用的一个D

009 500 25施放到了密封的附件的区域。 允许干额外的5分钟。


2. 确保温度门和外部门的密封不多70��F(21��C)。 这是至关重要的,以确保最佳的附着的外


3. 彻底清理结合表面的大门被修复塑料更清洁D009 401 04. 允许接合面干完全的(至少5分钟)。 结合表面必须干和自由的任何灰尘、油脂、硅或任何其他类似污染物的可能


4. 用粘合剂D355 205A2使用的一个D009 500 25涂抹器在该区域结合。 请允许的处理表面干另外5


5. 薄的外衣的外部门有橡胶密封件档案胶D477KD1A2在该地区,已成为分离的。

2846. 按门密封轻轻的门面,然后分开这次(图2)。 这确保了胶水是尽可能均匀地分布在


7. 允许现在分离地区的干燥5分钟。

8. 在此时间之后附加的封牢的门面。 滚过这个区域几次用专用工具3356(或相等的)。


9. 用力密封与3356只有在该基地的密封(区3所示图4)。

10. 删除任何残留的粘合剂,可能可看见用粘合剂D002 000A2。提示:修复门不应关闭两个小时。 在此期间,任何新粘面不应该被测试的通过拉动密封的




所有保证提交的索赔的付款必须按照奥迪保证政策和程序手册。 要求受





所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务手册最新信息。

******** Audi A6 Quattro Sedan (4F2) V6-3.0L SC (CCAA) Technical Service Bulletin # 911374 Date: 130205

Parking Assist System - False Warnings Set

91 Parking assistance provides false warnings

91 13 74


February 5, 2013

Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 91 number 12-61 dated October 1, 2012 for reasons listed.

Vehicle Information



Customer states one of the following:

^ Parking aid sporadically warns of obstacles when none exist.

^ Parking aid is inoperative or provides constant warning.

Technical Background

^ Various parking aid sensor fitting issues.

^ Environmental conditions.

Production Solution

Not applicable.


Misaligned parking aid sensors or various vehicle mountings can cause parking aid malfunctions. This TSB provides diagnosis tips related to

parking aid systems.

1. Verify that the coding within J446 - Parking Aid Control Module is valid for the equipment installed on the vehicle (i.e.: trailer hitch, tow bar,


2. Check the vehicle fault memory and proceed according to GFF.

^ If GFF identifies a problem with a specific sensor, proceed with the test plan.

^ If GFF does not identify a specific sensor, check MVBs in J446 - Parking Aid Control Module starting with MVBs for oscillation.

MVBs for internal sensor oscillation (if applicable) (acceptable values = 0.8 to 1.5ms). If the oscillation is not within specification, proceed

to step 10.

MVBs for distance calculations (255 = no obstruction). If an obstruction is identified but none exists, proceed to step 3.


Vehicles can be equipped with 4- or 8-channel parking aid systems. Refer to ElsaWeb for vehicle-specific information.


3. Check parking sensors for obvious issues:

^ Mechanical damage (stone chips, scratches).

^ Dirt, ice, foreign bodies, foil adhered to sensor.

^ Damage to the bumpers that may indicate an accident (or paint indicating a previous incident).


Exterior damage to the vehicle, including stone chips and scratches, is not covered by Audi Warranty. When painting sensors, the special painting

instructions" for parking sensors in the paint repair manual must be observed.

4. Check for non-Audi Genuine Accessories which can interfere with parking aid operation, including:

^ Aftermarket towing bar.

^ Aftermarket lowering kit.

^ Aftermarket spoiler or air deflector.

^ Aftermarket bumper.

5. For 8-channel systems, check the installation of the front license plate holder for:

^ Protrusion. The license plate and holder must fit on flat.

^ Bent corners. Any bent-open corners may cause false readings.

^ Correct fit. Oversized license plate holders or frames can obstruct parking aid sensors.

6. Pressure check for a tight fit and correct attachment of the parking sensors. If the sensor is not snug or feels loose, remove the bumper and

reinstall the sensor.


7. Check that the decoupling ring is correctly seated. If the ring is folded or bulging, remove the bumper and reinstall the sensor.


8. Verify that the sensor is centered inside of the mounting hole. If the sensor is mounted off-center, remove the bumper and reinstall the sensor.

9. Ensure the sensor sits flush with the bumper. If the sensor is recessed or bulging, remove the bumper and reinstall the sensor.

10. Re-evaluate the concern:

^ If an issue was identified and the concern was remedied, proceed to step 15.

^ If no issues were identified and the concern cannot be duplicated, proceed to step 15.

^ If the concern still persists, proceed to step 11.

11. Remove the bumper and check the connectors on the sensors, the socket box of the bumper, on the control unit for parking assistance and on the

sound generator of the parking assistance for:


^ Corrosion.

^ Water ingress or water marks.

^ Bent-open pins.

^ Pushed-back pins.

^ Correct fit of plug seal.


If a specific sensor is identified by the diagnostic tester, proceed forward for that specific sensor only.

12. Check the cables in the bumper for damage and sufficient length. Cables that are too short can cause damage to the harness.

^ If the cable is damaged, repair the cable using VAS Repair Kit 1978.

^ If the cable is too tight, correct the routing by moving the support clip so the cable is no longer under tension.

13. Check the connectors on the parking sensors and the socket box for correct installation. If the connectors are not installed properly, reinstall.

14. Re-evaluate the concern:

^ If an issue was identified and the concern was remedied, proceed to step 15.

^ If the concern still persists, swap affected parking aid sensors or control modules until issue is identified, remedy the concern, and proceed


to step 15.

15. Various environmental factors can cause incorrect warnings. Notify the customer that the following may affect parking aid operation:

^ High plants and curbs.

^ Gravel paths, cobblestone paths, pot holes, grates, sharp bends in the road, slopes, driveways or ramps.

^ Water on the parking sensors.

^ Ice, snow on the parking sensor or the bumper.

^ Exhaust gases of the vehicle under certain weather conditions.

^ Conflicting ultrasound sources (pneumatic brakes on trucks, animal alarms, parking aid systems of other vehicles, etc.).

^ Fluorescent lighting.


Accounting for an incorrectly fitted license plate holder or for cleaning the sensors is not permitted under warranty. For the potential remounting of

parking assist sensor, replacing of the parking assist sensor bracket, or repairing system wiring.

All warranty claims submitted for payment must be in accordance with the Audi Warranty Policies and Procedures Manual. Claims are subject to

review or audit by Audi Warranty.

Additional Information

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

******** Audi TTクアトロクーペ(8J3)L4-2.0Lターボ(CCTA)技術的な診断-補 修#911120日:111021



91 11 20








部品の内装などのドアカバー、リヤ棚、塗型またはカバーできるバイブレータの特定の周波数とその原因とノイズです。 であ





1. るかを確認する干渉からのゆったりオブジェクト(そのキーとして、CDカバー、ペン、サングラス等) の車両です。 場合には干渉で"なんくるないさ

からゆったり、物に進む2.2. るかを確認する干渉すると消えるトリム周辺のスピーカーが押されたのスピーカーホンスピーカーのスピーカーに対する取り付けます。 の場合


3. 削除スピーカーから取り付けやヘッドホンから聞こえてくるスピーカー以外の車両です。 の場合は音声からの講演者にな


4. チェックが干渉からの部品のキャビンだけでなく、他の付属品の製造。 ゆったり部品を固定し、下敷き、または、必要な場合は、置き換えられます。



追加情報すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス

Saturday, 29 September 2018

******** Audi TT Quattro Coupe (8J3) L4-2.0L Turbo (CCTA) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 481230 Date: 120625

Steering - Steering Wheel Leather Damage

48 Steering wheel leather damage, all vehicles

48 12 30


June 25, 2012

Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 48 number 11 - 18 dated December 7, 2011 for reasons listed below.

Affected Vehicles


Steering wheel damaged.

Technical Background


Optical damage on the steering wheel (Figures 1 and 2) is not warrantable. Numerous investigations have shown that there is no fault in material or

workmanship. The damage is caused by external impact, e.g. contact with finger nails, zippers, watches, rings etc.

Production Solution

Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.


This damage is due to outside influence and is not covered by any Audi warranty.

Additional Information

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

GENUINE Ford Rotunda 204-363 TPMS Tire Pressure Monitor Activation Tool

End Date: Friday Jul-26-2019 14:27:59 PDT
Buy It Now for only: $148.00
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******** Audi TTS Quattro Roadster (8J9) L4-2.0 L Turbo (CDMA) техническая диагностика и ремонт # 171226 Дата: 120120

Приборы / Топливная Система-Расстояние До Пустого Дисплея

17 расстояние до пустого дисплея бортового компьютера: Общая информация

17 12 26


20 января 2012.


Пострадавшие Транспортные Средства


Заявление клиента^ После заправки отображается другое "расстояние до опорожнения" (дальность действия автомобиля), чем при последнем заполнении топливного бака.

^ Дисплей ряда корабля падает сбивчиво.

^ После дозаправлять, дисплей ряда корабля не изменяет в течение длительного периода времени.

^ При движении по холмистым дорогам в течение длительного времени диапазон отображения автомобиля внезапно значительно меняется.

Нет DTC в J285 (адресное слово 17), связанном с отправителями топлива.

Это условие не включает и не влияет на точность индикатора уровня топлива, а только на расчетное расстояние до пустого дисплея на борту

компьютер.техническое образование

Основная цель для дисплея ряда предотвратить корабль от бежать из топлива, знача задолго до того как танк полностью опорожнит предупреждение

будет дан и диапазон может показать 0 миль. Предупреждение (Акустическое предупреждение и индикатор топлива низкий) обеспечено как только игла датчика уровня горючего

входит в Красную зону.

Средние и мгновенные показатели потребления, показанные в бортовом компьютере, не используются для расчета диапазона. Диапазон вычисляется свместо этого внутреннее взвешенное значение. Для определения отображения диапазона используются два различных метода расчета (алгоритмы фильтрации):

1) корабли перед модельным годом 2009:

Audi A3 (8P), A4 (8E), A6 (4F) до модельного года 2008, A8 (4E), Audi Q7 (4L) до модельного года 2008, TT (8J) и всех предшественниц:

Только цифры потребления последних 50 километров (31 миль) включены, в результате чего последний километр имеет самый высокий вес и первый

минимально.Если водитель работает эффективно прямо перед заправкой автомобиля, это может привести к тому, что дальность дисплея автомобиля будет заметно выше, чем в предыдущем

заполнять. И наоборот, агрессивный стиль вождения может привести к тому, что индикатор диапазона топлива будет ниже, чем предыдущий.

2) корабли от модельного года 2009:

Audi A4 (8K), A5 (8T), A6 (4F) от модельного года 2009, A6 (4G), A7 (4G), A8 (4H), Audi Q5 (8R), Audi Q7 (4L) от модельного года 2009 и все


Постепенно управляя профиль построен от последних 50 километров (31 km) и 500 километров (310 km): недолгосрочные диаграммы потребления надпоследние 50 километров (31 миль) и долгосрочные цифры более 500 километров (310 миль) включены в расчет, который также основан на

объем резервуара.

С этим методом дисплей ряда может только поднять управляя эффективно на выдвинутые периоды, приводящ к в более реалистическом "предпологаемом" ряде топлива.

Совет: с помощью обоих методов диапазон отображения после заполнения зависит от стиля вождения перед заполнением. Это означает диапазон, отображаемый после заполненияне будет одинаковым во всех случаях. Кроме того, дисплей оставшегося диапазона не относится ко всему объему резервуара. Это только указывает на тренд, основанный на

краткосрочное и среднесрочное потребление топлива.

производственное решение



Объясните операцию заказчику.


Этот TSB является только информационным и не применяется к любой гарантии Audi.


дополнительная информация

Все части и сервисные ссылки, представленные в настоящем TSB, могут быть изменены и / или удалены. Всегда проверяйте с Вашими частями отделом и обслуживанием

手册最新信息。******** 奥迪S6Quattro轿车(4F2)V10的-5.2L(BXA)技术诊断和修 理#241108日期:111214



24 11 08








^DTC P2004(进气歧管的亚军控制坚持开放、银行1)

^DTC P2005(进气歧管的亚军控制坚持开放、银行2)^DTC P2006(进气歧管的亚军控制坚持封闭,银行1)

^DTC P2007(进气歧管的亚军控制坚持封闭,银行2)

^DTC P2015(进气歧管的亚军位置传感器/转换电路的范围/性能,银行1)

^DTC P2020(进气歧管的亚军位置传感器/转换电路的范围/性能,银行2)




该V157进翼动机的联系可能不行远远不够的。 传感器的位置读出电压不正确读数,触发军的照明。






a. 运行VAS5051/52输出的检查V157的。

b. 替代V157进翼动机的(较低)与改进的一部分。

c. 验证顺利运作的进气歧管转轮传感器的位置G336和进气歧管的位置传感器G512武器。d。 安装后的V157电机,运行进气歧管的亚军翼适应在引导的职能。





所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务

******** 奥迪TT四跑车(8J3)L4-2.0L Turbo(CCTA)技术诊断和修理#661003日 期:100202




66 10 03












如果镜像是手动折回到起始位置,住房不会自动重新折叠的动机。 镜像外壳




噪音产生,等等。 后一个周期,镜子恢复正常的折叠式操作住房和马达现在是重新启动的。



服务1. 解释给客户,之后手工操作的电动折叠后视镜子,功率折特必须被用于恢复


2. 如果可能的话,手工操作的电动折叠后视镜子应该是可以避免的。




所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务

******** Audi A5 Cabriolet (8F7) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical Service Bulletin # 571262 Date: 120109

Keyless Entry - Trunk Can't Be Unlocked With Remote

57 Trunk cannot be unlocked

57 12 62



January 9, 2012.

Affected Vehicles


The trunk cannot be unlocked using the button on the remotes, button in the driver's door panel, or the handle on the trunk lid itself.

Technical Background

Vehicles have a VALET button in the glove box to activate the "valet parking" feature, preventing unauthorized access to the trunk. When activated

the trunk can only be opened using the mechanical key.

Production Solution

Not applicable.


Check whether the VALET button in the glove box has been activated and deactivate it if necessary.


This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.

Additional Information

More information on this system can be found in the following resources:

^ Owner's Manual

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information

******** Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 301110 Date: 111202

M/T/R-tronic - Clutch Plate Diagnostic Guidelines

30 Clutch plate diagnosis guidelines

30 11 10


December 2, 2011.

Supersedes Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR Group 30 number 11 - 09 dated July 22, 2011 for reasons listed below.

Affected Vehicles

Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 295


^ Clutch not operating properly.

^ Clutch smells burnt.

^ Clutch pedal does not fully return to starting position.

Technical Background

The following conditions can lead to clutch damage:

^ Incorrect shifting.

^ At a high vehicle speed, the clutch is pressed and an incorrect lower gear is selected. The gearbox drives the clutch plate past its designed RPM

range (over speed condition) and centrifugal force damages the clutch. If the clutch was engaged during this incorrect gear engagement, damage

would also occur to the engine.

^ The revolutions of clutch plate and engine input shaft differ too much.

^ Excessive slipping of the clutch.

This leads to the overheating of the clutch plate and removal of the lining.

Production Solution

Not Applicable.


Try to reproduce the customer complaint so that it can be clearly assigned to this TSB.

Use the illustrations below to assess whether warranty damage is involved.

^ The lining comes partly off because of overheating.

Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 296

^ The lining has burst off because of an over speed condition.

^ The lining is ground to the rivets; as a result, the clutch lining is broken.


For all clutch damage shown in this TSB:

This damage is due to outside influence and is not covered by any Audi warranty.

Additional Information

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

******** Audi Q7Quattro(4LB)V6-3.0L DSLターボ(硬)技術的な診断-補 修#601321日:130313



60 13 21








他の排水ホースでなければならないと規定されて正しく設置(生阻害作用のドレインホース自体が欠陥を起こしを漏らすことになります。 に

どちらの場合でも、水あたり仮のサンルーフフレームの車両外観です。 ほとんどの場合、これらの誤動作する上部のドレンホースです。 の場合はフロントサンルーフドレインホースの不具合、上部のドレンホース、修理している

のドレインホースです。 の交換ドレンホースは、侵襲的および労働集約する必要があるため削除し、再インストール、計器パネル






ホースは必要ありません。 この手続きが必要でも検査の後サンルーフドレインホースの漏洩又は障害物ます。 水漏れや


必要はありませんの完全フリーの"ピエロ"と仲良くなる。 撤去後の柱のトリム、日visors、鷲掴み取り扱う等、 アクセスは、ドレンホースまで


1. 切断のドレインホースから、サンルーフフレームです。



2. の既存のケーブルの縁に沿って、柱(図2、3、4ます。


3. ルートの補修部門を通じて、ケーブルの関係隔(図表5、6)します。

4. Alignの両方のホースは、隣の他(図7)。


5ます。 マーク元のホースの半分の長さの連合(eu)の修理部門として表示する(図8).6ます。 カットのホースのマークで作ったステップ5(図9、10)です。


7. 試験はありませんの漏洩し又は妨害の一つの下部にホースを挿入することによりファンネルに小さなノズル(約12mm●

13mm(直径)の開の低いホースなどを防水シールがない過度の森の中でホースです。 ゆっくりと


8. 丁寧に点検し水の流れることがございますので、あくまでも"無追加漏れのキャビンまたは障害の防止に適切な流れ下部ホース(図12)。


いずれかの追加の漏洩又は障害物を発見できれば、あなたの全体のホースです。 修理キットには使用できません。


9. を押して終了の部下のeuの半マーク(図表13)。


10. カストリップのダクトテープはそれに相当する約10センチ、長さ5センチ幅ます(図14).

11. ラップ、テープの接続となっている図15。12. 厳正確にルート、ドレンホースのオリジナルパスを通じて、固定クリップに沿って"A"の柱です。


13. 試験は、修理による掛け流しで約200mlの水を入れるドレインチャネルのサンルーフフレーム(図16。

14. モニターにフローチェックのための水密性に修理します。

15. ④内部トリムです。



すべての保証に係る請求書の支払いが必要に従ってAudi保証方針や手順のマニュアルです。 請求項の対象



追加情報すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス

******** Audi A6 Sedan (4F2) V6-3.2L (CALA) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 001232 Date: 120107

Computers/Controls - Software Version Management (SVM)

00 Software Version Management (SVM), operating instructions


00 12 32


February 7, 2012.

Supersedes Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR Group 00 number 10 - 02 dated March 24, 2010 for reasons listed below.

Affected Vehicles


This Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR (TSB) details the general process for carrying out a Software Version Management (SVM) software update for any

TSB or Update.

Troubleshooting information is included in the Additional Information section.

Please refer to the upcoming TSBs covering detailed aspects of SVM. They will be listed under group "99".

Technical Background

SVM was developed with the main goal of ensuring each Audi vehicle has the correct electronic control units with the correct software versions

installed when it leaves the dealership repair facility.

SVM is a feature of GFF that has a subset of functions or components as seen in Figure 1. These functions are explained below. A VAS 5051B, VAS

5052A, or VAS 6150 (A/B/C) diagnostic tool is required to read out the vehicle control unit data and send it to the SVM server (also called an

"SVM communication").

1. SVM - Specified/actual comparison

Goal: This function is designed to ensure all electronic control units installed in the vehicle have the correct part numbers, software versions,

coding and parametrization. It will not suggest a control unit software update. During this SVM communication, the part numbers and software

versions of the actual control units installed in the vehicle will be sent to the SVM servers. This "actual" data is then compared to the "specified"

data in the SVM database for a particular vehicle. The specified data stored on the SVM servers is also referred to as the vehicle reference".


What an SVM Spec/Actual can do:

^ Document any changes to an electronic control unit's hardware/software part numbers, hardware/software versions, and provide feedback to

the user if these changes are accepted or rejected.

^ When new parts are installed, it will also calculate coding changes or parameterization(1) changes. If a "hardware replacement suggestion" is

given, then a conflict exists with the vehicle reference for that control unit (i.e. SVM expects a different part number or software version for

the control unit in question).

^ As a rule, SVM will not allow a control unit with the same part number as the original part to be installed if the new part contains an older

software revision. In this situation, SVM will return a hardware change(2) suggestion . In these special cases a new vehicle reference must be

manually set by an Audi Product Support Engineer. Please contact the Technical Assistance Center Helpline if you suspect this is the case.

2. SVM - Direct Input: SVM code for problem related update

Goal: This function performs any additional functions which cannot be performed with an SVM Spec/Actual.

Those functions include the following.

What an SVM code can do:

^ Update the software in a flash-capable control unit if the SVM code(3) is valid for the vehicle.

^ After the software update is completed, an additional SVM Specified/Actual comparison will be performed to calculate a new coding and/or

parameterization and to document all control unit changes as a new reference in the SVM database.

^ SVM Codes should not be used to update a control unit without knowing the solution(s) the software update provides. To update control unit

software, the technician must first diagnose the condition in the vehicle and find an applicable TSB that provides a valid SVM Code.

Randomly trying out multiple SVM Codes wastes time and can sometimes cause conflicts in the SVM database.

^ SVM codes can also be used to document manual software updates to the vehicle's systems, as in the case with MMI Software Package (ZUG)

updates. These types of updates are performed manually with a CD/DVD/SD card. An SVM code for an MMI update documents the changes

in the SVM database and provides coding and/or parameterization suggestions. It does not perform any software updates.

SVM codes for MMI Software Package (ZUG) updates will only complete successfully if every control unit is updated to the correct software

level. This is especially important when a control unit fails/dies during the manual software update process and is then later replaced, but not

updated after it is installed. Since the new replacement control unit was not updated the SVM code will fail. The replaced control unit must be

updated prior to running the SVM code.

^ SVM Exchange (XCHG) Codes can also be used to aid in the installation of new service parts when an SVM spec/actual cannot code or

parameterize the replacement control unit, as with all Audi airbag control units.

It is critical to note SVM XCHG codes must be run immediately after a new control unit is installed in the vehicle. If an SVM Spec/Actual is

performed instead, it will create an invalid vehicle reference in the SVM database. Once this occurs the SVM XCHG code will not function

properly. The only way to resolve this issue is to contact the Technical Assistance Center Helpline to have the vehicle reference manually set.

To find the SVM XCHG code, follow the parts bulletin listed in ETKA or search for an applicable Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR.

3. SVM - Direct Input: SVM code for vehicle conversion

Goal: This function allows for a factory approved retrofit of additional control unit(s) using a valid SVM Code for Vehicle Conversion.

^ This type of SVM code is documented inside the installation instructions for the control unit and is typically performed as the last installation

step. You can identify an SVM code for conversion by the way it is named. They are typically named "050XXX".

4. SVM - Activations

Goal: This function is designed to activate additional features or functions within an already installed control unit using an Activation Code

and possibly additional PIN codes or Customer codes.

^ This function is designed with a security system similar to installing a new operating system on a personal computer. Currently, SVM

Activation codes are only being used with navigation map data updates for vehicles with MMI3G/3G+. The customer no longer needs to

purchase the Navigation map data. Instead the customer must purchase an "Activation Packet" to unlock the map update in the MMI system.

The Activation Packet consists of an Activation Code, Activate Number, and Pin Code. Once the Activation information is used, it becomes

permanently tied to the customer's vehicle in the SVM database and cannot be reused with another vehicle.

5. SVM - communication, checking

Goal: This function allows the user to check the VAS Tester's SVM online connection status to ensure the tester is communicating with the

SVM server.



^ (1)Parameterization refers to data written into the control unit by SVM to customize the software functionality for the specific vehicle or

country of operation. It is often referred to as the "calibration data." It is critical the parameterization is executed anytime it is suggested by

SVM to ensure the proper functionality of the control unit. Not all control units are parameterized by SVM.

^ (2)It is also important to note that if there are any "Hardware Change Suggestions" any time when an SVM code is run, a new vehicle

Reference" will NOT be set in the SVM database. This is to prevent any bad data from being documented in the reference. This can create an

issue where repeat coding and/or parameterization suggestions are given with all subsequent SVM communications (Spec/Actual or SVM

code). All "Hardware Change Suggestions" should be resolved prior to an SVM code being executed! Once the hardware issue is resolved, the

SVM code must be run again to set the new reference.

^ (3)It is important to note that almost all SVM codes will automatically perform a "Quick Test" to verify if the SVM code is valid for the

vehicle prior to performing the software update. This is done to speed up the process and provide immediate feedback to the tech of whether

or not SVM will be able to code/parameterize the control unit after the software update is completed. If SVM finds an issue it will indicate the

SVM code is valid for the vehicle, but cannot be completed.

Production Solution

Not applicable.



1. Address or record any DTCs related to any additional customer concerns before continuing. The reason for this is that any sporadic DTCs could

be automatically erased at the end of the SVM communication.

Tip: Sporadic communication DTCs will be created during the flash procedure and will be automatically erased along with all other pre-existing

sporadic DTCs at the end of the SVM test plan.

Tuning is the addition or modification of any component that causes an Audi vehicle to perform outside the normal parameters and specifications

approved by Audi of America, Inc. If you encounter a vehicle with a tuned engine control module (ECM) or transmission control module (TCM),

your dealership must do the following before performing any procedure that updates ECM or TCM programming:

^ Notify the owner that their ECM or TCM was found to have been tuned.

^ Notify the owner that any damage caused by the tuning of the ECM or TCM (including any adverse emissions consequences) will not be

covered by Audi of America, Inc. warranties.

^ Obtain the owners written consent (refer to a Control Module Tuning form) for any requested repair - under warranty or outside warranty - that

requires flashing that will automatically overwrite the tuned program.

Tip: Any programming update (flash) may overwrite any tuned ECM or TCM programming.

2. Ensure the TSB stating the condition in the vehicle applies to the customer complaint. Ensure the VAS Tester operator has a valid GeKo user ID

and password. Perform only operations explicitly stated in the TSB or Update.

3. Verify that the following tester requirements are met

^ VAS 5051B, VAS 5052A, or VAS 6150(A/B/C) with minimum Base CD Version 19.01 with Brand CD 19.36 installed.

^ Tester is plugged into an 110V AC power supply at all times.

^ Connect VAS 5051B and VAS 5052A to the local network via LAN/Ethernet cable.

^ Connect VAS 6150(A/B/C) to the local network via LAN/Ethernet cable. A WiFi connection is not recommended due to the possibility of

signal dropouts during the online communication.

^ For B7 A4s after VIN 8E_5A400000, always use the 6017B K Line Adapter to ensure communication to all modules.

^ If the Bluetooth wireless VAS 5054A transmitter head is used in conjunction with a VAS 5052A or VAS 6150(A/B/C) tester, the transmitter

head MUST BE connected with a USB cable to the tester.

^ Ensure the Windows power savings are set correctly (disabled) for VAS testers operating with an open Windows interface in which users have

access to all regular PC operating system functions (implemented by running the Base V14.00.00 Recovery DVD).

^ VAS 5051B, VAS 5052A, or VAS 6150(A/B/C) with minimum Base CD Version 19.01 with Brand CD 19.36 installed.

^ Tester is plugged into an 110V AC power supply at all times.



If the Windows screensaver activates during a control module software update and the hard drive shuts down as a result of the power settings, a

control module failure may result. Refer to Service Circular ATE-08-23 for more information.


Do not use a 6017 or 6017A while flashing. Doing so may result in complete control module failure.

4. Verify that the following vehicle requirements are met:

^ Battery must have a minimum no-load charge of 12.5V.

^ Connect vehicle to a powered Audi-approved battery charger. Do not use a trickle charger or battery maintainer.

^ Turn off the radio and all other accessories, and when necessary, switch off running lights by applying the emergency brake or through the

MMI option menu.

^ Turn off any appliances with high electromagnetic radiation (such as mobile phones).

^ If communication with a module cannot be properly established, appropriate repairs must be made before attempting SVM. If the tester cannot

communicate with a module, the tester cannot flash software onto the module.

5. Enter the SVM code into the User Test Plan by selecting the Audi Flashing option at the main tester screen, unless otherwise directed by the TSB

or TAC Helpline.

Tip: If you do not have the latest Base/Brand CD installed on the tester, then the SVM code may fail and return an "ASM-MCD" base system error"

because the tester is not capable of reading the software flash file. Starting with the model year 2010, some software files have changed and cannot

be read with base tester software level 15 or lower. Level 16 or higher must be installed on the tester along with all released patches found on

ServiceNet. VAS Tester Patches can be found using >> Special Tools and Equipment >> VAS Tester Information >> Software.

6. Follow the SVM update procedure and enter the SVM Code found in the appropriate TSB when prompted.



^ Enter your GeKo ID when requested. Data will be transmitted to the SVM server, and the server will respond with instructions to continue.

(See detailed descriptions in the Response Codes table above.) The procedure may include one, or any combination of the following, for one

or multiple control modules as specified in the TSB or Update:

Update a control module (flash).

Code a control module.

Parameterize a control module.

Check hardware of a control module.

A hardware change suggestion will occur when SVM does not recognize the control module as valid for the vehicle. As stated before, there is a

conflict between specified (i.e. reference) and actual hardware/software part number or software versions. If there is no customer concern and no

DTC regarding this control module, report the issue then first ensure you have the correct part installed. Then check to see if there is an applicable

TSB indicating an SVM XCHG code is required. Finally, if no part issue is found and no supporting TSB is found, then contact the Technical

Assistance Center (TAC) with the required information specified in the Additional Information section below. For MMI control units, it is possible

the SVM code for feedback documentation was not performed after an update via CD was performed. Always report MMI issues to the TAC before

attempting a repair.

7. Always continue until the following text is displayed: Vehicle conversion/update has been successfully performed. The changes have been stored

in the system. Thank you.

Tip: The SVM Process must be completed in its entirety so the database receives the update confirmation response. A warranty claim may not be

reimbursed if there is no confirmation response to support the claim or if action that is not explicitly stated in the TSB or Update is taken.

8. Verify that all steps or special procedures mentioned in the TSB/UPDATE have been carried out. Then finish the test plan and exit GFF via the

Go to button. Answer the Warranty questions accordingly and print out or save the diagnostic log when prompted.

Tip: During the flash procedure an estimated time will be shown. This value is not used for actual SRT calculation.

Basic SVM Response Codes

SVM can provide a response code with a repair suggestion or after a successful repair. The response code will appear in the diagnostic log.


This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.

Additional Information

Checking for Internet Connectivity


With the tester connected to the internet, add and carry out the SVM Communication Test to the GFF test plan which can be found here:

Audi Flashing >> SVM Communication, Checking


>> Go To >> Function/Component Selection >> SVM >> SVM Communication, Checking

GeKo Registration and ID Check

To obtain a GeKo user ID and password, follow the instructions in the GeKo ID Request form found here:

-> >> Service >> Documents >> Service and Repair >> Geko ID Request Form (located on the 2 page listing)

To check your GeKo ID, perform the following test from the Tester Startup Screen with the tester connected to the internet:

Administration >> Network Settings >> Geko Test

Testing the SVM Connection

SVM Communication checking - It will ask for your user ID and Password. If the test fails, change the port, cord, and/or tester and run this test


Further Tester Assistance

If any of the listed troubleshooting procedures and/or checks result in errors or yield no solution and further assistance is required, please follow

these steps:

1. Utilize the information contained in the Function Description button in the tester at the point of the error.

2. Report the problem to the shop network administrator for further investigation.

3. Contact the responsible support team for further assistance:

^ Service Department Applications (GeKo, ElsaWeb, and ServiceNet).

^ VAS Tester Software Subscriptions: Orders need to be placed via ->

^ VAS Tester Software Support.

Technical Assistance Center Contact Requirements

Contact the TAC via the Technical Assistance Contact System in ElsaWeb in cases where there is a clear technical issue with the vehicle or response

from the SVM system. Always include the following information in the ticket:

^ SVM Action Code attempted.

^ Control module(s) address word(s) that are in question.

^ The complete tester diagnostic log from the GFF session.

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Dept. and service manuals

for the latest information.

******** Audi A4 Berline (8K2) L4 2.0 L Turbo (CAEB) Bulletin de Service Technique # 371238 Date: 120222

A/T - DTC 00230, Clé Coincé, le Véhicule ne sera pas Lock

37 levier de problèmes, la clé de contact ne peut être retirée ou le véhicule sera pas verrouiller. Code d'erreur 00230 peut stocker dans 05 module.

37 12 38


Le 22 février 2012.

Véhicules ConcernésCondition

Le client peut signaler la clé de contact ne peut être retirée en dépit de sélectionner le mode "P".

Le véhicule est mécaniquement dans le parc, mais le parc n'est pas reconnu électriquement.

Le client est incapable de déplacer le levier de vitesses de la position de stationnement.

Sur les véhicules avec clé de pointe, le véhicule ne peut pas être verrouillé par la télécommande après avoir éteint le moteur.

De Formation Technique

Le levier sélecteur de réglage "P" est de façon sporadique ne sont pas reconnus; par conséquent, la clé de contact n'est pas effacée ou le verrouillage du véhicule n'est pas.

L'entrée suivante est souvent enregistré dans la mémoire:

05 - Véhicule système d'autorisation.00230 - Switch pour la boîte de vitesses de la position 00230, la rupture/court-circuit au positif/terre Sporadiques.

La Solution De Production De

Optimisé levier sélecteur (novembre 2009).


Essayez de reproduire la plainte du client de sorte qu'il peut être clairement attribuée à ce BST. La suite de la réparation ne doit être effectuée que si tous les critères

correspondre exactement; sinon, cette solution ne fonctionnera pas et répétez les réparations peuvent être nécessaires. Dans de tels cas, nous pouvons rejeter la demande de garantie et de débit

les pièces.1. Vérifiez si d'autres entrées sont enregistrées dans les unités de contrôle tels que l'ABS, le véhicule du système d'autorisation, moteur, boîte de vitesses, etc. Si c'est le cas,

complète la visite guidée de la recherche de pannes. Cette BST est uniquement de la faute énumérés ci-dessus. L'utilisation d'une réclamation distincte de toutes les autres défauts stockés

2. Si il n'y a pas de résultat, vérifiez les points suivants:


Régler le câble de changement selon le manuel de réparation.

Vérifier le levier sélecteur et le bouton de dégagement pour la facilité de mouvement.

Note:Les lubrifiants et les huiles peuvent contaminer les micro-interrupteurs (F305) et de causer des dommages à long terme. Ne pas appliquer des lubrifiants tels que l'huile de silicone à l'

de levier de vitesses logement, même si le levier de vitesses logement semble être raide.

Mesurer la résistance de l'interrupteur F305 (valeur requise dans la position de P sur 470 Ohm).

Remplacer F305 si hors spécifications en faisant attention de ne pas casser les pattes du logement.

3. Régler/réparer tout dommage constaté.

Si aucun dommage n'est constaté, changer l'ensemble de levier de vitesses logement.


Nécessaire, les Pièces et les Outils

Des Informations SupplémentairesToutes les pièces de service et les références fournies dans ce BST sont sujettes à modification et/ou suppression. Toujours vérifier auprès de votre Département des Pièces et service

manuels pour les informations les plus récentes.

******** Audi A6 Sedan (4F2) V6-3.2L (CALA) Technical Service Bulletin # 941266 Date: 120215

Lighting - Low Beams ON When Switched To Parking Lights

94 Headlight low beams stay on when switched to parking lights

94 12 66


February 15, 2012.

Affected Vehicles


Low beam stays on at highway speeds with headlight switch set to parking lights.



slowing down, approaching an intersection, or in tight turns, the low beams turn off automatically with the headlight switch set to parking

lights (with or without fog lights activated).

These are normal conditions. The headlight system functions properly during these conditions.

Technical Background

There is a normal condition where the headlight low beams will stay on even when the headlight switch is moved to the parking light position with

the vehicle moving at a speed of 19mph (30km/h) or higher. These conditions may only occur during a long trip and the headlight switch position is

changed late in the trip.

^ With the headlight switch set to the "Auto" position and with the low beams automatically activated, the low beams will stay on even when the

headlight switch is set to the parking light position if the vehicle is moving over 19mph (30 km/h). When the vehicle speed drops below

19mph (30 km/h), and with the headlight switch in the parking light position, the low beams will automatically switch off.

^ With the headlight switch set to the "low beam" position, the low beams will stay on even when the headlight switch is set to the parking light

position if the vehicle is moving over 19mph (30km/h). When the vehicle speed drops below 19mph (30 km/h), and with the headlight switch

in the parking light position, the low beams will automatically switch off.

This can be a common occurrence for those customers who enjoy driving with the vehicle's fog lights on all the time or during dusk because the

headlight switch will likely be moved from the Auto position to the parking light position.

This condition can also happen unintentionally when a customer tries to switch from the "low beam" position to the "Auto" position with the fog

lights activated (switch pulled out). The headlight switch can only be physically turned to the "parking light" position with the fog lights activated.

The headlight switch needs to be pushed back in to allow it to move from the low beam position to the Auto position.

Production Solution

Not applicable.


A replacement of the headlight switch does not fix the compliant. All part replacements will be rejected under warranty for this complaint.


This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.

Additional Information

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

Friday, 28 September 2018

******** Audi A4 Berline (8K2) L4 2.0 L Turbo (CAEB) Bulletin de Service Technique # 441116 Date: 110216

Campagne 44I2 - Écran de Confirmation de Langue Pour le système TPMS

Unités rva 4412 - TPMS Écran de Confirmation de la Langue

44 11 16


Le 16 février 2011.

Remplace le Bulletin de Service Technique du Groupe de 44 numéro 11 - 15 du 15 février 2011 pour les raisons énumérées ci-dessous.


Cette unités rva a été publié de manière proactive afin d'améliorer cette condition sur le véhicule:

Mise à jour le TPMS les écrans de confirmation pour être compatible sur tous les modèles.

Cette unités rva s'applique uniquement aux véhicules équipés de la Non-3G MMI radio. (S'applique à faible niveau de la radio avec les contrôles qui se trouvent dans le tableau de bord vs

centre de la console.)

Ce Véhicule Requis de mise à Jour (unités rva) est en vigueur jusqu'au 20 novembre 2012. Après cette date, la présente unités rva expirera et ne plus être en vigueur.

Le véhicule doit satisfaire à tous les critères suivants:^ Procédure est valable uniquement pour les véhicules qui montrent la 44I2 (44i2) du code de la ElsaWeb Campagne/Action écran d'Information sur la journée de la réparation.

^ Véhicule doit être dans la limite de Garantie de Véhicule neuf.

^ Procédure doit être effectuée dans le délai imparti, a déclaré dans ce Bulletin de Service Technique. Procédure doit être effectuée sur les

véhicules dans l'inventaire du concessionnaire avant la vente.


Mise à jour de logiciel de surveillance de la pression des pneus.


Mise à jour de la radio logiciel de surveillance de pression des pneus.

SERVICE1. Suivez toutes les instructions dans le BST 2011732 00 Logiciel de Gestion de Version (SVM), les instructions de fonctionnement.


2. Mise à jour du module radio, emplacement de l'adresse 56, en utilisant les SVM code d'action figurant dans le tableau ci-dessus si nécessaire.




Toutes les pièces de service et les références fournies dans cet unités rva sont sujettes à modification et/ou suppression. Toujours vérifier auprès de votre Département des Pièces et service

manuels pour les informations les plus récentes.

******** Audi A4アトロセダン(8K2)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)技術サービス 紀#911181日:110203



91 11 81






お客様は、以下の通りであることを報告、電話トランシーバー R-36その車両:^お客様の携帯電話な接続Bluetoothです。 A MMIソフトウェア更新は電話でのトランシーバーの交換は行われなかった



Audi A4アトロセダン(8K2)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)のページ397






互換性のない携帯電話やソフトウェア関連発行の電話トランシーバー R-36.


新しいソフトウェアのための電話トランシーバー R-36.


ヒント:場合にはスキャンツールで通信できない、ループを光接続のR-36. 場合、スキャンツールで通信することができ、

交換電話のトランシーバ番4F0 910336HX進第2です。

を考慮したソフトウェアのアップデート:1. ることを確認お客様の携帯電話対応の車両です。 電話でのデータベース作成でき またはを選択しAudi生活>技術>携帯電話の準備




^するかどうかを判断しますお客様の電話の機能または誤動作の別の車両です。2. の場合はユニバーサル電話の準備をしようとしたことが原因である状態かどうかを検証するRVU CQ/91D8の有効期限はこの車両は、

かどうかを行っています。 場合にはRVUの有効期限は、車両としていない、請求項の入れ替えにR-36のMMI

ソフトウェアの更新こRVUます。 を参照して技術サービス紀要2018510のための追加情報です。


第1節です。 検証HW定電話のトランシーバー R-36.1. 押し、設定ボタンを押し戻しボタンを押します。 Holdボタンを下にまで赤の更新画面が表示されます。

Audi A4アトロセダン(8K2)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)のページ398

2. 選択Handyvorb2を検証し、ハードとソフトウェアのバージョンは、電話を作成します。

^場合HW-Index:H00が表示されたら、交換電話のトランシーバー R-36番4F0 910 336HXます。 (ワークショップマニュアル、電気

システム>>ドインGr91>>インフォテインメント、電話システム>>器の電話発信器-受信ユニット-R36ます。 進


第2節します。 MMIシステムソフトウェア更新


ヒント:場合には電話トランシーバー R-36置換した部品番号4F0 910 336HX、CD#1ソフトウェアおよびファームウェアのアップデートに記載のとおり

TSB2019334は必要ありません。 この場合、進への直接ソフトウェア更新CD#2(4F0 998 961ます。

Audi A4アトロセダン(8K2)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)のページ399








^TSB2019334,91MMIの高いシステムソフトウェア更新(Zug864-更新の手続きすべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス

******** 奥迪Q5Quattro(8RB)V6-3.2L(CALB)技术诊断和修理#571383日 期:130222



57 13 83
















1. 检查车辆线根据线图和引导的故障寻找。

2. 如果没有发现错误的车辆线,以便利替代控制系统模块J393(地址字46)中。提示:访问/开始授权的天线可以排除作为造成的;这可能不是正确所示,在导游的故障寻找。




所有保证提交的索赔的付款必须按照奥迪保证政策和程序手册。 要求受




^TSB2024111,57个舒适的替代系统的控制单元(BCM2)无法被编码所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务

******** 奥迪S4Quattro轿车(8K2)V6-3.0L SC(出的积极贡献)的技术诊断和修 理#351206日期:121207


35变速箱误消息的集群(DTC P17D800或P179D00)

35 12 06









DTC P17D800与DFCC8040(扭矩限制,因为离合器的温度)DTC P179D00与DFCC8030(冷却剂油阀电



DTC P174000与DFCC8031(离合器的温度监测)该DFCC是4-6位数代码也就是通常所列的以前的错误代码(图1)。



可怜的内部接触区在电路板将导致错误。 油添加剂的可能导致塑料电路板到分层接触造成的损失。




对于故障P17D800与DFCC8040或P179D00与DFCC8030:1. 去除机电单元每指令艾尔莎维修手册>>传>>S-创力传输>>35齿轮、轴>>


2. 替换电路板每指令艾尔莎维修手册>>传>>S-创力传输内部组件的>>35


3. 重新安装的机电单元每指令艾尔莎维修手册>>传>>S-创力传输>>35齿轮、轴>>拆卸和安装>>DSG传输机电J743的。




提示:当替换电路板,如果连锁被损坏的机电设备必须更换。 一旦连接,电路





所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务

******** Audi A4 Limousine (8K2) L4-2.0 L Turbo (CAEB) Technical Service Bulletin # 911190 Datum: 110620

Audio-System - Kein Audio Von Allen Möglichen Quellen

91 KANN radio mit Bang und Olufsen sound system, kein audio

91 11 90


Juni 20, 2011

Ersetzt Technical Service Bulletin-Gruppe 91 Anzahl 10 - 13, datiert mit April 23, 2010 für die nachfolgend aufgeführten Gründen.


Betroffene Fahrzeuge


^ Der Kunde Beschwerde ist, dass es keinen sound von allen Quellen.^ Nur Concert/Symphony III-Funkgeräte (PR-8UQ/8YN) mit Bang und Olufsen Premium Sound system (PR-9VK) betroffen sind.

^ In den Verstärker J525 (Adresse word 47), DTC-00003 (Steuermodul Defekt) gespeichert werden können.

Technischer Hintergrund

In seltenen Fällen (z.B. entladen der Fahrzeug-Batterie, Motor aus, radio spielt bei hoher Lautstärke und/oder Bässen, sehr kaltes Wetter) es ist

möglich für die Akku-Spannung am Verstärker auf kurz-drop unter 9 Volt. Wenn dies Auftritt, wird der Verstärker-software vorübergehend schaltet dieVerstärker aus. Wenn die Bedingung tritt auf, 3 mal, DTC-00003 gespeichert ist, und der Verstärker ist dauerhaft abgeschaltet.

Produktion Lösung

Optimierter Verstärker software.


1. Befolgen Sie alle Anweisungen der beigefügten TSB 2011732 00 Software-versions-Management (SVM), Bedienungsanleitung.

2. Update der Verstärker J525 mit dem SVM-action-code als in der Tabelle aufgeführt, wenn nötig. Dieses update löschen der DTC-Eintrag in der

Verstärker und der sound wird wieder verfügbar sein. Die neue software verhindert, dass die DTC-Einstellung von wegen low-voltage-Bedingungen.



Weitere InformationenDie folgenden Technischen Service-Bulletin(s) wird notwendig sein, um dieses Verfahren abschließen zu können:

^ TSB 2011732, 00 Software-versions-Management (SVM), Bedienungsanleitung.

^ TSB 2017729, 00 Elektrische Komponenten defekt nach windows wurden getönt.

Alle Teile und service-Verweise in dieser TSB unterliegen, zu ändern und/oder entfernen. Überprüfen Sie immer mit Ihrem Teile-und service-Abteilung

Handbücher für die neuesten Informationen.

******** Audi A6 Quattro Sedan (4F2) V6-3.0L SC (CCAA) Technical Service Bulletin # 321203 Date: 120203

A/T - Shudder Or RPM Fluctuation In 4th,5th, or 6th Gear

32 Shudder or RPM fluctuations while at cruising speed

32 12 03


February 3, 2012.


Affected Vehicles


Customer may report shudder or RPM fluctuation while at cruising speed in 4th, 5th, or 6th gear.

Technical Background

Torque convertor clutches may have excess slippage while cruising.

Production Solution

Not applicable.


1. Check and verify that the software is at the highest level using TSB 2028053, 37 TCM software update for downshift concerns or 2028279, 37

Shift concerns when slowing vehicle. Also, check that the fluid level and condition is clean, full, and matches the required color per the applicable


Tip: If needed, update the software of the transmission and change the fluid before proceeding with this TSB.

2. Test drive the vehicle to verify the concern is present.

If the concern can be duplicated, verify there are no fault codes stored for misfires and watch the Measure Value Blocks in the ECM to verify no

misfires are seen when the condition is present.

3. Check MVB 7 from the TCM. Verify Field 3 is reading control and record the slip count from Field 4 while the concern is present. The slippage

of the TCC should not exceed 120 RPM in MVB 7 field 4 while the convertor is in control mode. The RPM surge should coincide with TCC

slippage. If this reads higher than 120 RPM, the torque convertor should be replaced.

Tip: The TCC slippage will vary when in open TCC mode and should read 0 when in closed TCC mode, this is normal. Replace the convertor for

high slippage when the TCC is in control mode (above 120 RPM) or for any slippage when in closed mode (MVB 7 field 4).

Tip: It is not necessary to receive a Repair Authorization to perform this TSB.



Additional Information

One of the following Technical Service Bulletin(s) will be necessary to complete this procedure:

^ TSB 2028053, 37 TCM software update for downshift concerns

^ TSB 2028279, 37 Shift concerns when slowing vehicle

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

******** Audi A6 Quattro Sedan (4F2) V6-3.0 L SC (CCAA) техническая диагностика и ремонт # 941156 Дата: 111107

Выключатель Стоп-Сигнала Adj. И Снятие

94 датчик стоп-сигнала (выключатель) информация о регулировке и снятии

94 11 56


7 ноября 2011.


Пострадавшие Транспортные Средства

СостояниеЗамененные датчики стоп-сигналов иногда повреждаются во время регулировки или снятия, что препятствует правильному анализу в целях качества.

техническое образование

Для выполнения регулировки не требуется снимать датчик стоп-сигнала. Необходим, что правильно извлекает специальный инструмент T40168A стоп-сигнал


производственное решение



Порядок регулировки датчика стоп-сигнала:

1. Выключите зажигание.

2. Для получения доступа к датчику стоп-сигнала выньте нижнюю панель приборов, расположенную сбоку от водителя.3. Нажмите плунжер датчика стоп-сигнала полностью внутри и придержите. (Рисунок 1, стрелка A).


4. Поверните пурпурный цветной позиционер против часовой стрелки, примерно 60 в сторону остановки. (Рисунок 2, стрелка A). Датчик стоп-сигнала готов для


5. Убедитесь, что педаль тормоза находится в положении покоя и не должна быть перемещена.

6. Полностью отпустите поршень. (Рисунок 3, стрелка A).

7. Поверните пурпурный цветной позиционер по часовой стрелке, примерно 600 до упора. (Рисунок 4, стрелка B). Датчик стоп-сигнала теперь правильно


Снятие датчика стоп-сигнала:

1. Выключите зажигание.2. Снимите нижнюю панель водителя, чтобы получить доступ к выключателю стоп-сигнала.


3. Нажмите плунжер датчика стоп-сигнала полностью внутри и придержите. (Рисунок 5, стрелка A).

4. Поверните пурпурный цветной позиционер против часовой стрелки, примерно 60 в сторону остановки. (Рисунок 6, стрелка A). Датчик стоп-сигнала готов для


5. Отпустите поршень. (Рисунок 7, стрелка а).

6. Установите специальный инструмент T40168A между плунжером датчика стоп-сигнала и педалью тормоза.


(Рисунок 8, специальный инструмент T40168A).

(Рисунок 9, T40148A установлен).Совет: конус на инструменте должен быть обращен в направлении сиденья водителя. Отверстие на инструменте должно соответствовать проекции на стоп-сигнал


7. Отожмите инструмент T40168A против датчика стоп-сигнала. Три вкладки на датчике стоп-сигнала разблокируются одновременно.

8. Снимите датчик стоп-сигнала и извлеките инструмент из датчика.


Этот TSB является только информационным и не применяется к любой гарантии Audi.

Необходимые части и инструменты

дополнительная информацияВсе части и сервисные ссылки, представленные в настоящем TSB, могут быть изменены и / или удалены. Всегда проверяйте с Вашими частями отделом и обслуживанием

инструкции для последней информации.

******** Audi A4 Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 001232 Date: 120107

Computers/Controls - Software Version Management (SVM)

00 Software Version Management (SVM), operating instructions


00 12 32


February 7, 2012.

Supersedes Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR Group 00 number 10 - 02 dated March 24, 2010 for reasons listed below.

Affected Vehicles


This Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR (TSB) details the general process for carrying out a Software Version Management (SVM) software update for any

TSB or Update.

Troubleshooting information is included in the Additional Information section.

Please refer to the upcoming TSBs covering detailed aspects of SVM. They will be listed under group "99".

Technical Background

SVM was developed with the main goal of ensuring each Audi vehicle has the correct electronic control units with the correct software versions

installed when it leaves the dealership repair facility.

SVM is a feature of GFF that has a subset of functions or components as seen in Figure 1. These functions are explained below. A VAS 5051B, VAS

5052A, or VAS 6150 (A/B/C) diagnostic tool is required to read out the vehicle control unit data and send it to the SVM server (also called an

"SVM communication").

1. SVM - Specified/actual comparison

Goal: This function is designed to ensure all electronic control units installed in the vehicle have the correct part numbers, software versions,

coding and parametrization. It will not suggest a control unit software update. During this SVM communication, the part numbers and software

versions of the actual control units installed in the vehicle will be sent to the SVM servers. This "actual" data is then compared to the "specified"

data in the SVM database for a particular vehicle. The specified data stored on the SVM servers is also referred to as the vehicle reference".


What an SVM Spec/Actual can do:

^ Document any changes to an electronic control unit's hardware/software part numbers, hardware/software versions, and provide feedback to

the user if these changes are accepted or rejected.

^ When new parts are installed, it will also calculate coding changes or parameterization(1) changes. If a "hardware replacement suggestion" is

given, then a conflict exists with the vehicle reference for that control unit (i.e. SVM expects a different part number or software version for

the control unit in question).

^ As a rule, SVM will not allow a control unit with the same part number as the original part to be installed if the new part contains an older

software revision. In this situation, SVM will return a hardware change(2) suggestion . In these special cases a new vehicle reference must be

manually set by an Audi Product Support Engineer. Please contact the Technical Assistance Center Helpline if you suspect this is the case.

2. SVM - Direct Input: SVM code for problem related update

Goal: This function performs any additional functions which cannot be performed with an SVM Spec/Actual.

Those functions include the following.

What an SVM code can do:

^ Update the software in a flash-capable control unit if the SVM code(3) is valid for the vehicle.

^ After the software update is completed, an additional SVM Specified/Actual comparison will be performed to calculate a new coding and/or

parameterization and to document all control unit changes as a new reference in the SVM database.

^ SVM Codes should not be used to update a control unit without knowing the solution(s) the software update provides. To update control unit

software, the technician must first diagnose the condition in the vehicle and find an applicable TSB that provides a valid SVM Code.

Randomly trying out multiple SVM Codes wastes time and can sometimes cause conflicts in the SVM database.

^ SVM codes can also be used to document manual software updates to the vehicle's systems, as in the case with MMI Software Package (ZUG)

updates. These types of updates are performed manually with a CD/DVD/SD card. An SVM code for an MMI update documents the changes

in the SVM database and provides coding and/or parameterization suggestions. It does not perform any software updates.

SVM codes for MMI Software Package (ZUG) updates will only complete successfully if every control unit is updated to the correct software

level. This is especially important when a control unit fails/dies during the manual software update process and is then later replaced, but not

updated after it is installed. Since the new replacement control unit was not updated the SVM code will fail. The replaced control unit must be

updated prior to running the SVM code.

^ SVM Exchange (XCHG) Codes can also be used to aid in the installation of new service parts when an SVM spec/actual cannot code or

parameterize the replacement control unit, as with all Audi airbag control units.

It is critical to note SVM XCHG codes must be run immediately after a new control unit is installed in the vehicle. If an SVM Spec/Actual is

performed instead, it will create an invalid vehicle reference in the SVM database. Once this occurs the SVM XCHG code will not function

properly. The only way to resolve this issue is to contact the Technical Assistance Center Helpline to have the vehicle reference manually set.

To find the SVM XCHG code, follow the parts bulletin listed in ETKA or search for an applicable Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR.

3. SVM - Direct Input: SVM code for vehicle conversion

Goal: This function allows for a factory approved retrofit of additional control unit(s) using a valid SVM Code for Vehicle Conversion.

^ This type of SVM code is documented inside the installation instructions for the control unit and is typically performed as the last installation

step. You can identify an SVM code for conversion by the way it is named. They are typically named "050XXX".

4. SVM - Activations

Goal: This function is designed to activate additional features or functions within an already installed control unit using an Activation Code

and possibly additional PIN codes or Customer codes.

^ This function is designed with a security system similar to installing a new operating system on a personal computer. Currently, SVM

Activation codes are only being used with navigation map data updates for vehicles with MMI3G/3G+. The customer no longer needs to

purchase the Navigation map data. Instead the customer must purchase an "Activation Packet" to unlock the map update in the MMI system.

The Activation Packet consists of an Activation Code, Activate Number, and Pin Code. Once the Activation information is used, it becomes

permanently tied to the customer's vehicle in the SVM database and cannot be reused with another vehicle.

5. SVM - communication, checking

Goal: This function allows the user to check the VAS Tester's SVM online connection status to ensure the tester is communicating with the

SVM server.



^ (1)Parameterization refers to data written into the control unit by SVM to customize the software functionality for the specific vehicle or

country of operation. It is often referred to as the "calibration data." It is critical the parameterization is executed anytime it is suggested by

SVM to ensure the proper functionality of the control unit. Not all control units are parameterized by SVM.

^ (2)It is also important to note that if there are any "Hardware Change Suggestions" any time when an SVM code is run, a new vehicle

Reference" will NOT be set in the SVM database. This is to prevent any bad data from being documented in the reference. This can create an

issue where repeat coding and/or parameterization suggestions are given with all subsequent SVM communications (Spec/Actual or SVM

code). All "Hardware Change Suggestions" should be resolved prior to an SVM code being executed! Once the hardware issue is resolved, the

SVM code must be run again to set the new reference.

^ (3)It is important to note that almost all SVM codes will automatically perform a "Quick Test" to verify if the SVM code is valid for the

vehicle prior to performing the software update. This is done to speed up the process and provide immediate feedback to the tech of whether

or not SVM will be able to code/parameterize the control unit after the software update is completed. If SVM finds an issue it will indicate the

SVM code is valid for the vehicle, but cannot be completed.

Production Solution

Not applicable.



1. Address or record any DTCs related to any additional customer concerns before continuing. The reason for this is that any sporadic DTCs could

be automatically erased at the end of the SVM communication.

Tip: Sporadic communication DTCs will be created during the flash procedure and will be automatically erased along with all other pre-existing

sporadic DTCs at the end of the SVM test plan.

Tuning is the addition or modification of any component that causes an Audi vehicle to perform outside the normal parameters and specifications

approved by Audi of America, Inc. If you encounter a vehicle with a tuned engine control module (ECM) or transmission control module (TCM),

your dealership must do the following before performing any procedure that updates ECM or TCM programming:

^ Notify the owner that their ECM or TCM was found to have been tuned.

^ Notify the owner that any damage caused by the tuning of the ECM or TCM (including any adverse emissions consequences) will not be

covered by Audi of America, Inc. warranties.

^ Obtain the owners written consent (refer to a Control Module Tuning form) for any requested repair - under warranty or outside warranty - that

requires flashing that will automatically overwrite the tuned program.

Tip: Any programming update (flash) may overwrite any tuned ECM or TCM programming.

2. Ensure the TSB stating the condition in the vehicle applies to the customer complaint. Ensure the VAS Tester operator has a valid GeKo user ID

and password. Perform only operations explicitly stated in the TSB or Update.

3. Verify that the following tester requirements are met

^ VAS 5051B, VAS 5052A, or VAS 6150(A/B/C) with minimum Base CD Version 19.01 with Brand CD 19.36 installed.

^ Tester is plugged into an 110V AC power supply at all times.

^ Connect VAS 5051B and VAS 5052A to the local network via LAN/Ethernet cable.

^ Connect VAS 6150(A/B/C) to the local network via LAN/Ethernet cable. A WiFi connection is not recommended due to the possibility of

signal dropouts during the online communication.

^ For B7 A4s after VIN 8E_5A400000, always use the 6017B K Line Adapter to ensure communication to all modules.

^ If the Bluetooth wireless VAS 5054A transmitter head is used in conjunction with a VAS 5052A or VAS 6150(A/B/C) tester, the transmitter

head MUST BE connected with a USB cable to the tester.

^ Ensure the Windows power savings are set correctly (disabled) for VAS testers operating with an open Windows interface in which users have

access to all regular PC operating system functions (implemented by running the Base V14.00.00 Recovery DVD).

^ VAS 5051B, VAS 5052A, or VAS 6150(A/B/C) with minimum Base CD Version 19.01 with Brand CD 19.36 installed.

^ Tester is plugged into an 110V AC power supply at all times.



If the Windows screensaver activates during a control module software update and the hard drive shuts down as a result of the power settings, a

control module failure may result. Refer to Service Circular ATE-08-23 for more information.


Do not use a 6017 or 6017A while flashing. Doing so may result in complete control module failure.

4. Verify that the following vehicle requirements are met:

^ Battery must have a minimum no-load charge of 12.5V.

^ Connect vehicle to a powered Audi-approved battery charger. Do not use a trickle charger or battery maintainer.

^ Turn off the radio and all other accessories, and when necessary, switch off running lights by applying the emergency brake or through the

MMI option menu.

^ Turn off any appliances with high electromagnetic radiation (such as mobile phones).

^ If communication with a module cannot be properly established, appropriate repairs must be made before attempting SVM. If the tester cannot

communicate with a module, the tester cannot flash software onto the module.

5. Enter the SVM code into the User Test Plan by selecting the Audi Flashing option at the main tester screen, unless otherwise directed by the TSB

or TAC Helpline.

Tip: If you do not have the latest Base/Brand CD installed on the tester, then the SVM code may fail and return an "ASM-MCD" base system error"

because the tester is not capable of reading the software flash file. Starting with the model year 2010, some software files have changed and cannot

be read with base tester software level 15 or lower. Level 16 or higher must be installed on the tester along with all released patches found on

ServiceNet. VAS Tester Patches can be found using >> Special Tools and Equipment >> VAS Tester Information >> Software.

6. Follow the SVM update procedure and enter the SVM Code found in the appropriate TSB when prompted.



^ Enter your GeKo ID when requested. Data will be transmitted to the SVM server, and the server will respond with instructions to continue.

(See detailed descriptions in the Response Codes table above.) The procedure may include one, or any combination of the following, for one

or multiple control modules as specified in the TSB or Update:

Update a control module (flash).

Code a control module.

Parameterize a control module.

Check hardware of a control module.

A hardware change suggestion will occur when SVM does not recognize the control module as valid for the vehicle. As stated before, there is a

conflict between specified (i.e. reference) and actual hardware/software part number or software versions. If there is no customer concern and no

DTC regarding this control module, report the issue then first ensure you have the correct part installed. Then check to see if there is an applicable

TSB indicating an SVM XCHG code is required. Finally, if no part issue is found and no supporting TSB is found, then contact the Technical

Assistance Center (TAC) with the required information specified in the Additional Information section below. For MMI control units, it is possible

the SVM code for feedback documentation was not performed after an update via CD was performed. Always report MMI issues to the TAC before

attempting a repair.

7. Always continue until the following text is displayed: Vehicle conversion/update has been successfully performed. The changes have been stored

in the system. Thank you.

Tip: The SVM Process must be completed in its entirety so the database receives the update confirmation response. A warranty claim may not be

reimbursed if there is no confirmation response to support the claim or if action that is not explicitly stated in the TSB or Update is taken.

8. Verify that all steps or special procedures mentioned in the TSB/UPDATE have been carried out. Then finish the test plan and exit GFF via the

Go to button. Answer the Warranty questions accordingly and print out or save the diagnostic log when prompted.

Tip: During the flash procedure an estimated time will be shown. This value is not used for actual SRT calculation.

Basic SVM Response Codes

SVM can provide a response code with a repair suggestion or after a successful repair. The response code will appear in the diagnostic log.


This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.

Additional Information

Checking for Internet Connectivity


With the tester connected to the internet, add and carry out the SVM Communication Test to the GFF test plan which can be found here:

Audi Flashing >> SVM Communication, Checking


>> Go To >> Function/Component Selection >> SVM >> SVM Communication, Checking

GeKo Registration and ID Check

To obtain a GeKo user ID and password, follow the instructions in the GeKo ID Request form found here:

-> >> Service >> Documents >> Service and Repair >> Geko ID Request Form (located on the 2 page listing)

To check your GeKo ID, perform the following test from the Tester Startup Screen with the tester connected to the internet:

Administration >> Network Settings >> Geko Test

Testing the SVM Connection

SVM Communication checking - It will ask for your user ID and Password. If the test fails, change the port, cord, and/or tester and run this test


Further Tester Assistance

If any of the listed troubleshooting procedures and/or checks result in errors or yield no solution and further assistance is required, please follow

these steps:

1. Utilize the information contained in the Function Description button in the tester at the point of the error.

2. Report the problem to the shop network administrator for further investigation.

3. Contact the responsible support team for further assistance:

^ Service Department Applications (GeKo, ElsaWeb, and ServiceNet).

^ VAS Tester Software Subscriptions: Orders need to be placed via ->

^ VAS Tester Software Support.

Technical Assistance Center Contact Requirements

Contact the TAC via the Technical Assistance Contact System in ElsaWeb in cases where there is a clear technical issue with the vehicle or response

from the SVM system. Always include the following information in the ticket:

^ SVM Action Code attempted.

^ Control module(s) address word(s) that are in question.

^ The complete tester diagnostic log from the GFF session.

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Dept. and service manuals

for the latest information.