| $24.98 End Date: Saturday Jun-29-2019 15:12:24 PDT Buy It Now for only: $24.98 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
AUDI Diagnostic and Repair Information ,Wiring Diagrams. DTC. TSB. Types: TSB, DTC, Wiring Diagrams, OEM Procedures. Trusted by more than 400,000 technicians. OEM accurate fix for faster repairs. Repair Procedures and Labor Times. Factory Auto Repair info. Request A Demo Today. Factory-Correct Diagrams. Factory Part Numbers. Maintenance Schedules. Repair Procedures. Labor Times. Types: TSB, DTC.
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
| $59.88 End Date: Saturday Jun-29-2019 14:22:33 PDT Buy It Now for only: $59.88 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
******** Audi Q5 Quattro (8RB) V6-3.2 L (cal B) Technische DIAGNOSE-UND REPARATUR # 381105 Datum: 110121
A/T - Verzögertes verknüpfen, Wenn Sie Kalt/Mehrere DTC-Set38 Verspätete engagement wenn es kalt ist oder kein Laufwerk auf dem ersten Eingriff (DTC P2700, P2701, P2702, P2703 oder P0730)
38 11 05
Januar 21, 2011.
Ersetzt Technische DIAGNOSE-UND REPARATUR-Gruppe 38 Nummer 10 - 01 vom März 19, 2010 für die nachfolgend aufgeführten Gründen.
Kunden können berichten:
^ Start der intermittierenden kein Laufwerk bei der Auswahl der Fahrt-Modus D oder R.
^ Das Fahrzeug nur im 3. Gang (Limp-Home-Modus).
Workshop-Ergebnisse:^ In seltenen Fällen, wenn das Fahrzeug in Bewegung ist und das ATF-Sieb Locker wird, kann die übertragung geht in Limp-Modus und kann
angetrieben in nur 3.Gang.
^ In kalten Bedingungen schaltet das Getriebe Schichten mit einer Verzögerung. In heißen Bedingungen, Saug-Geräusche auftreten.
^ Die folgenden DTCs gespeichert werden dürfen, die transmission-control-Einheit:
^ DTC P0730 (Transmission monitoring-falsche Getriebeübersetzung)
^ DTC-P2700 (Kupplung Eine unplausible)
^ DTC P2701 (Kupplung B unplausibel)
^ DTC P2702 (Kupplung C unplausibel)
^ DTC P2703 (Kupplung D unplausibel)
TECHNISCHER HINTERGRUNDWegen einer Designänderung, die ATF-Sieb kann kommen Locker aus dem guide von der ATF-Pumpe Ansaugleitung. Als ein Ergebnis kann Luft angesaugt werden. Luft
bewirkt, dass das öl zu Schäumen, die verhindert, dass die Kupplungen vollständig schliessen.
Optimiert ATF-filter.
Wenn die Beschwerde reproduziert werden kann, gehen Sie wie folgt vor:
1. Überprüfen Sie das Getriebe-Steuergerät für die oben genannten Einträge und erstellen Sie ein Diagnose-Protokoll.
^ Wenn es keine Fehler gespeichert, aber die Bedenken können dupliziert werden; fahren Sie mit Schritt 2.
^ Wenn einer oder mehrere der oben genannten DTCs gespeichert sind, gehen Sie zu Schritt 3.2. Überprüfen Sie die ATF-Ebene pro ELSA Anweisungen.
^ Wenn der Flüssigkeitsstand zu hoch erscheint und schäumend durch die Luft, vermischt mit dem ATF, gehen Sie zu Schritt 3.
^ Wenn die Flüssigkeit auf der richtigen Ebene und das fluid ist nicht schaumig, öffnen Sie ein Technical Assistance Center (TAC) ticket und Kontaktieren Sie einen TAC-Vertreter.
3. Ablassen der ATF in einem sauberen Behälter und entfernen Sie die ATF-Wanne.
Tipp: Fangen Sie die ATF in einem sauberen Behälter und wieder verwenden es nach der Reparatur.
4. Wenn der filter befand sich in der Unterseite der Wanne, gehen Sie zu Schritt 6.
5. Wenn der filter sitzt immer noch in der Ventil Körper, versuchen, Sie zu entfernen mit Licht Kraft.
358^ Wenn Sie entfernt werden, wenn der filter Dichtung blieb im Ventilgehäuse oder nicht vollständig installiert ist auf dem Hals des filters, gehen Sie zu Schritt 6.
^ Wenn die Dichtung vollständig installiert auf dem filter, wie in Abbildung 1 dargestellt, öffnen Sie ein TAC-ticket und Kontaktieren Sie einen TAC-Vertreter.
6. Ersetzen Sie das ATF-filter mit einem neuen filter nach der Reparatur-Handbuch.
Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Magnete in der ölwanne nicht fest an der Unterseite (Metall-Seite) der lose ATF-filter und werden nicht entfernt mit der altenSieb. Die Magnete müssen neu installiert werden Sie in der Pfanne zu schützen, die übertragung von metallic particle abrasion in Ihrer richtigen ursprünglichen Ort.
7. Wenn es Beschwerden gibt der gear shift-Qualität nach dem Austausch des ATF-filter, klar, die Anpassungen in den Testplan auf und führen Sie dann die GFF oder
Geführte Funktionen-Anpassung-Laufwerk.
Alle Teile und service-Verweise in dieser TSB unterliegen, zu ändern und/oder entfernen. Überprüfen Sie immer mit Ihrem Teile-und service-Abteilung
******** Audi A5カブリオレ(8F7)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)技術的な診断-補 修#441232日:120802
44 12 32
トルクットの拡張バー認められていないものAudiアメリカ株式会社 使用すべきではないの適用トルクホイールボルトです。
不調の状態にては絶対校正されたトルクレンチを達成し、正しいホイールボルトのトルクが得られます。 の適切な使用は、必ず校正されたトルクレンチをホイールボルト
すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス
手册最新信息。******** 奥迪A5敞篷车(8F7)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)技术诊断和修 理#910974日期:091102
91 3G接口的投诉或iPod固3.0
91 09 74
iPhone和iPod接触固3.0不工作的车辆,如果它们包含2700多的轨道。 如果该单位接的
^客户可以限制轨道数至少超过2 700多人。
所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务
Pogea Racings Sinful Audi A7
The German tuning firm Pogea Racing has completed a performance kit specifically designed for the Audi A7. Called the "Seven Sins", the tuner got down to business first by remapping the ECU of the Audi sportback model for a software optimization that draws more power from both the 3.0 TDI and the 3.0 TFSI engines. On the 3.0-liter TDI Multitronic, Pogea managed to boost the output to 248-horses, and for the 3.0 TDI S-Tronic the final output was bumped up to 285-hp.

The performance tuning on the supercharged 3.0 TFSI consists of an increased power output to 340-horsepower. The great thing is that Pogea also offers to remove all electronic V-max top-speed limits too. Prices for the engine tunings mentioned begin at €1799 ($2,427). In addition to engine upgrades, Pogea also offers an optional sport air filter and stainless-steel sport exhaust. The tuner can also fit the A7 with a coilover suspension, along with some black and chrome 20-inch rims.

******** Audi A4 Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical Service Bulletin # 371246 Date: 120413
AMST - TCM Stores P0727 No Speed Signal From ECU, Sporadic
37 TCM stores P0727 (no speed signal from engine control unit, sporadic)
37 12 46
April 13, 2012.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 37 number 09 - 12 dated September 15, 2009 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
DTC P0727 (Engine Speed Input Circuit No Signal, Sporadic) is stored in the transmission control module.
Technical Background
At engine start, the engine speed signal arrives to the TCM with delay. The entry is stored because the diagnosis is too sensitive. Drivability is not
affected by this condition.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
If the entry is sporadic or only sets on vehicle start, it can be deleted and ignored.
A parts replacement will not address the condition, and the claim will be denied.
This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
手册最新信息。******** 奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)技术服务 公告#571152日期:110817
57 52 11
奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)347页
1. 先进的关键功能的能暂时被禁用干扰发射机在邻近的远程关键,使用相同的频率
范围(例如手机、无线耳机,其他车钥匙等。) 因为没有正确的身份证明是可能的。2. 如果客户达到入门处理,同时触及锁定传感器锁定的车辆也不会被锁定。 这是因为锁定解除
3. 高级关键的系统需要响应时间短的关键标识。 当抓住和拉门把手的速度非常快,关键
4. 打开门后锁定它是不可能的一个短暂的时期。 这允许顾客的检查,门是锁着的拉
处理。5. 减少电力消耗门处理触摸传感器之后停用的车已经停了好几天。 它是那么必要
6. 如果电池车辆排放的能源管理系统逐步停用不必要的便利的职能。 这可能是你
1. 磁铁帽下的门处理可能没有安装。2. 后驾车通过的车洗或在雨中的先进的关键系统是间断地不工作作为水可以进入的门处理触摸
3. 不正确的触摸传感器安装。
服务1. 解释这一概念有关的限制给客户。 如果客户没有遇到这些问题继续进行下面的步骤。
奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)348页
2. 检查的测量值的框43在访问而开始的授权控制模块J393的。 如果第二位从右(大厅传感器)的
奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)349页3. 拉受影响的车门把手打开和检查,如果安装磁铁(指示为8的位置在ETKA插图,见图3至5)。
4. 如果第二位的权利的影响的门处理为0,使用引导故障寻找检查线的每一个门把手一DTC
记录的访问而开始的授权控制模块J393的。 如果有任何问题的布线,程序步骤5。5. 检查中测量值的框43锁定和功能使用先进的关键用于每一个门把手。 如果一个门把手不
6. 除去触摸传感器从门处理检查的一部分数。 在拆除确保传感器被撬开了使用
奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)350页
7. 更换的所有车门把手的传感器部件号8K0 927 753或8K0 927 753A的。 部分数字8K0 927 753B和8K0 927 753C优化
担保奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)351页
所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务
Genuine BMW - Lower Alarm Bracket - 51448243665
| $19.48 End Date: Saturday Jun-29-2019 0:25:39 PDT Buy It Now for only: $19.48 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
マニュアルの最新情報です。 ******** Audi A8Lクアトロセダン (4E8)V8-4.2L(右)技術的な診断-補修#641001日:100119
64 10 01
1. プル、パワーウインドウスイッチまでのウィンドウが完全に閉じられます。
2. スイッチです。
3. 引き切り替えます。 をワンタッチ機能や利便性の開閉機能は活性化します。
この適応し、ピンチランドの保護はます。 ピンチ保護復帰後の手続きが完了します。
1. のサンルーフノブのサンルーフです。2. のサンルーフノブのサンルーフです。
3. 5秒以内のサンルーフを閉め、サンルーフスイッチノブを回、この位置まで※ワゴン車専用※サンルーフ傾開して完全に
を閉じます。 このまっすぐに引き抜いてください15秒が、新しいモータの適応を開始。
すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス
手册最新信息。******** 奥迪A4Quattro车(8K5)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)技术服务公 告#970818日期:081117
97 08 18
各种电气故障或失灵的组成。 关注的领域是传动系统、动力传动系统,底盘、身体/设备、车辆电
在情况下,车辆线的原因是部件的故障是由于线(s)被切割、捏、损坏、不正确的路由,等等, 和/或终端连接器或连接,都是松散、破碎,没有充分参与等, 请参阅服务部分下面。
所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务
2019 Audi A6 Reveals Fresh Face And Four-Wheel Steering In Geneva
Audi started at the top of its sedan when it began refreshing its lineup. From the ultra-luxurious A8 to the fan-favorite A7, Audi now finds itself at the A6—it's bread-and-butter executive sedan. At Geneva, Audi pulled the sheet off its new, eighth-generation 2019 A6, which it had already revealed in late February. There's been no word yet on its engine lineup for the United States, but it will get four-wheel steering that the automaker claims will tighten up its turning circle by over 3 feet.
Genuine Maserati Quattroporte Umbrella
| $100.00 End Date: Friday Jun-28-2019 19:19:54 PDT Buy It Now for only: $100.00 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部 门和服务手册最新信息。 ******** 奥迪A8L Quattro轿车(4E8)V8-4.2L(BVJ)技术 诊断和修理#570901日期:090209
57 09 01
方向盘,等等。) 都不起作用或错误地分配时使用的远程关键。
只有识别目前使用的远程关键是上传送可以旅行。 每个参与控制部设置自己的调整。
只键职位,1到4中包括在性的记忆设置职能。 钥匙的位置5不能个性化的。
所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务
******** Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical Service Bulletin # 171229 Date: 120626
Engine - Oil Meeting Audi Quality Standards
17 Engine oils that meet Audi Oil Quality Standards 501 01, 502 00, 505 00, 505 01, and 504 00/507 00
17 12 29
June 26, 2012.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 17 number 11 - 16 dated June 6, 2011 for reasons listed below.
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 110
Affected Vehicles
Engine oils that meet Audi Oil Quality Standards VW 501 01, 502 00, 505 00, 505 01, and 504 00/507 00.
Technical Background
Not applicable.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
Oil Quality
All Audi engines must always use engine oils that conform to the applicable Audi Oil Quality Standard. No other engine oils may be used. This also
applies when topping off engine oil between services.
Recommendation for Customers
It is recommended that the customer always carry a spare quart/liter of engine oil that conforms to the applicable Audi Oil Quality Standard in case
the engine oil needs topping off while on the road. The spare quart/liter of oil should be stored in its original container, securely closed in the
luggage compartment. Ensure the container is securely stowed.
Use of the wrong oil may damage the engine. Damage caused by using the wrong oil will not be covered by the applicable vehicle warranties.
Approved Engine Oils
Below are the lists of engine oils that currently meet Audi Oil Quality Standards VW 501 01, VW 502 00, VW 505 00, VW 505 01 and 504 00/507
^ The first four lists of products are comprised of oils that meet Audi Oil Quality Standard VW 501 01, VW 502 00, VW 505 00, VW 505 01, or
VW 504 00/507 00 and are generally available in the North American market at the time of publication. The attachment lists products that meet
Audi Oil Quality Standard VW 501 01, VW 502 00, VW 505 00, VW 505 01, or VW 504 00/507 00 available worldwide at the time of
^ Please refer to the specific Vehicle Owners Manual, published Technical Service Bulletins and Fluid Capacity Charts to select the appropriate oil
required for each Audi vehicle.
^ The lists below are also posted on www.audiusa.com and www.audicanada.ca.
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 111
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 112
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 113
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 114
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 115
This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
Monday, 29 April 2019
******** Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 571152 Date: 110817
Keyless Entry - Door Handle Touch Sensor(s) Inoperative
57 Door handle touch sensors (Advanced key) inoperative
57 11 52
August 17, 2011.
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 347
Affected Vehicles
The exterior door handle touch sensors (Advanced key) are inoperative on one or several doors.
The key blade can be used mechanically (driver door or trunk) or remote electrically (key remote buttons) to unlock and lock the vehicle.
^ Any or all of the following DTC 03285, 03286, 00192, or 00193 (Outside door handle touch sensor - short to ground or incorrect signal) may be
stored in the Access and Start Authorization Control Module J393 (address word 05).
- OR -
^ No relevant DTC stored.
Technical Background
Concept-related restrictions
1. Advanced key functions can temporarily be disabled by interference from transmitters in close proximity to remote key, using the same frequency
range (e.g. cell phones, wireless headphones, other vehicle keys etc.) as no positive identification is possible.
2. If the customer reaches into the door handle while touching the lock sensor to lock the vehicle it will not be locked. This is because the unlocking
command from the sensor is sent at the same time and has a higher priority.
3. The Advanced key system needs a short response time for the key identification. When grabbing and pulling the door handle very quickly, the key
may not yet be identified and the vehicle does not unlock.
4. Unlocking the door after locking it is not possible for a brief period. This allows the customer to check that the door is locked by pulling the
5. To reduce power consumption the door handle touch sensors are deactivated after the vehicle has been parked for a few days. It is then necessary
to first wake the vehicle by pulling the door handle once and then a second time to open the vehicle.
6. If the vehicle battery is discharged the energy management system gradually deactivates unnecessary convenience functions. It is possible that you
will temporarily not be able to unlock your vehicle using Advance key.
Advanced Key System Component Issues
1. The magnet under the cap of the door handle may not be installed.
2. After driving through a car wash or in the rain the advanced key system is intermittently inoperative as water may enter the door handle touch
sensor rubber sleeve and prevent proper operation.
3. Incorrect touch sensors installed.
Tip: If a DTC for any one of the door handle touch sensors is permanently stored into the Access and Start Authorization Control Module J393
(address word 05), the advance key feature will not work for all the doors.
Production Solution
Optimized door handle touch sensors
1. Explain the concept related-restrictions to the customer. If the customer is not experiencing these issues proceed with the following steps.
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 348
2. Check Measured Value Block 43 in Access and Start Authorization Control Module J393. If the second bit from the right (Hall sensor) of the
affected door handle is always 1 the handle must be checked for an installed magnet.
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 349
3. Pull the affected door handle open and check if the magnet is installed (indicated as position 8 in ETKA illustrations and seen in Figures 3-5).
If the magnet is missing, install the magnet.
4. If the second bit from the right of the affected door handle is 0, using Guided Fault Finding check the wiring of each door handle for which a DTC
is logged in the Access and Start Authorization Control Module J393. If there are no problems with the wiring, procedure with step 5.
5. Check in Measured Value Block 43 the locking and unlocking function using Advanced key for every door handle. If a door handle does not
respond properly proceed to step 6.
6. Remove the touch sensors from the door handles to check the part number. During the removal make sure that the sensor is pried out using a
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 350
screwdriver according to the repair manual.
7. Replace all door handle sensors with part number 8K0 927 753 or 8K0 927 753A. Part numbers 8K0 927 753B and 8K0 927 753C are optimized
- do not replace them.
Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 351
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
******** Audi A4 Quattro Wagon (8K5) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 941306 Date: 130214
Lighting - Erroneous Lamp Malfunction Message Displayed
94 Vehicle lights malfunction message in instrument cluster display
94 13 06
February 14, 2013
Supersedes Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR Group 94 number 12-79 dated June 6, 2012 for reasons listed.
Vehicle Information
^ Light bulb warning light and the message Vehicle lights: malfunction is displayed in the instrument cluster display.
^ DTC 03280 (Light switch position implausible signal) is stored in the vehicle electrical system control module, J519 (09).
^ Exterior lights are functioning properly.
Technical Background
If the headlight switch is moved to an intermediate position and remains there, the light bulb warning light and the error message appear after
approximately ten seconds (Figure 1).
Once displayed, the message turns off after approximately five seconds. The light bulb warning light turns off only after the headlight switch is
turned to a defined position, and the status of DTC 03280 is changed to sporadic.
After 40 driving cycles without an implausible signal detected, the DTC is automatically cleared.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
Determine if the above situation applies to the vehicle, and explain the background to the customer. Replacing parts does not change the behavior.
This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
A More Powerful Audi R8 Spyder Could Be Coming Soon
What will be different on this facelifted R8?
Audi is clearly working on a facelift for the R8, because we've spotted several test mules going around with camouflage over the front and rear fascias. The last R8 we spotted testing was a coupe model with a fixed rear spoiler, hinting that it could be a hardcore GT model. The next R8 will keep its 5.2-liter V10, but our sources say it could produce as much as 650-670 horsepower. This would be a significant increase over the current model which produces 610 hp.

So far, it has been difficult to tell if these prototypes are a more powerful GT version, or just a facelift for the regular R8. Now we have spotted an R8 Spyder, sporting many of the changes we initially saw on the coupe prototype. The front fascia has some minor changes to coincide with upcoming models like the RS Q8. The front air intakes are now a different shape, and feature a painted area between the opening and the headlights. The grille also has a new shape and new inserts, there's an additional mesh area between the rear taillights, and a new lip spoiler on the rear deck.

We'll have to wait to see if these changes are simply a facelift, or if a more powerful R8 is on its way. Audi has recently released special editions of the R8 in the shape of the hardcore Performance Parts Edition and rear-wheel-drive RWS model. If we've learned anything about supercars, special editions usually signify that a new model is on its way.

Genuine Porsche 996 911 Boxster 986 Lower Climate Control Unit Trim Black
| $16.74 End Date: Friday Jun-28-2019 10:09:27 PDT Buy It Now for only: $16.74 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
******** Audi A6 Sedan (4F2) V6-3.2L (CALA) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 641113 Date: 110519
Body - Front Door Window Reverses When Closing
64 Front door window reverses when closing
64 11 13
May 19, 2011.
When raising the window, the pinch protection intervenes without obstruction. This symptom occurs most often when the one-touch feature is used
to raise the window.
Faulty window motor internal gearwheel.
Improved window motor.
Make certain that there is no other possible cause for the pinch protection activating. Possible causes could be a broken or otherwise faulty window
regulator, faulty or dirty door window guide, improperly adjusted door, etc. If all other possible causes have been checked and/or remedied and this
symptom persists, replace the window motor.
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
Genuine Mercedes-Benz Cigarette Lighter
| $9.00 End Date: Friday Jun-28-2019 8:34:55 PDT Buy It Now for only: $9.00 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
******** Audi TTクアトロクーペ(8J3)L4-2.0Lターボ(CCTA)技術的な診断-補 修#691009日:100910
69 10 09
1. 組み立ててください以下の情報を電話:
A VASテスター診断履歴、使用車両の自己診断し、エアバッグは、エンジン制御ユニットで保存された電子ドキュメント形式です。
のVINは、お客様の氏名含まれています。 いな切断層データです。
2. 場所の呼び出GMエンジニアです。
3. お客様のエアバッグに関する情報や安全ベルトシステムの際お申し出くださいお客様でのカスタマーケアセンターです。
の技術者の判定は、次の行動をします。 これにはレンタル代車払います。
追加情報すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス
******** Audi Q5 Quattro (8RB) V6-3.2L (CALB) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 421004 Date: 100413
Suspension/Body - Rear End Cracking/Creaking Noises
42 Cracking or creaking noises from the rear
42 10 04
April 13, 2010.
Supersedes Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR Group 42 number 10-02 dated April 5, 2010 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
When driving over manhole covers, curbs or potholes, a cracking or creaking noise occurs in the rear of the vehicle.
Technical Background
Production Solution
Improved shock absorber mounting installed in production.
1. Perform this step only if vehicle is A4 Sedan or A5 Coupe. Apply grease on the bump stop of the trunk lid. Perform a test drive. If the noise is
gone, proceed as follows:
^ A4 Sedan: Replace the bump stop. Use Part No. 8K5 827 589 C. The repair is complete.
^ A5 Coupe: Grease the bump stop with Part No. G 060 172 A3 (paste in tube). The repair is complete.
2. Perform this step only if vehicle is A4 Sedan or Avant. Apply grease on the outside of the rear doors locking bars. Perform a test drive. If the
noise is gone, the repair is complete.
3. Apply silicon grease G 000 405 A2 on the seat of the jounce bumper (Figure 1, point 8) in the shock absorber mount and on the contact surface to
the shock absorber pipe (Figure 1, point 7). Perform a test drive. If the noise is gone, the repair is complete.
4. Check the noise on a test drive:
a. Drive at 9 - 12 mph with one side of the vehicle on a curb.
b. Repeat with the other side of the vehicle on the curb.
c. If the cracking/creaking occurs only on one side, replace the shock absorber mount on the affected suspension strut (Figure 1, point 9).
5. If the complaint cannot be fixed, locate cause of noise with chassis ears and eliminate.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
14-19 Maserati Levante, ghibli, quattroporte, Genuine OEM Oil Filter 000311401
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Women's Girl Padded Velvet Headband Multicolor Hairband Hair Decor Gifts
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******** Audi A4 Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical Service Bulletin # 001001 Date: 100205
Fuel System - MIL ON DTC P0300/P030X/Lean Condition
01 MIL on, gasoline quality (DTC P0300 or P030x, lean condition DTCs)
00 10 01
February 5, 2010.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 00 number 09-04 dated April 20, 2009 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
The use of contaminated gasoline or gasoline with a low content of deposit control additives may result in one or more of the following conditions:
^ Excessive accumulation of deposits on intake valves, intake manifold, fuel injectors and combustion chambers.
^ Engine runs rough after cold start.
^ Excessive engine cranking time.
^ Hesitations while driving.
^ Rough engine idle.
^ Reduced engine performance.
^ Poor fuel economy.
Conditions may be severe enough to illuminate the MIL in conjunction with storage in the ECM data memory of DTCs for misfire (example: P0300,
P030x) and / or lean fuel system (example: P0171, P0174, P1128, P1130, P1136, P1138).
Technical Background
^ Condition may be caused by use of contaminated gasoline.
^ Condition may be caused by use of gasoline with a low content of deposit control additives.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
If use of contaminated gasoline is suspected:
Consider advising the customer to change gasoline source (brand/gas station). Contaminated gasoline may exhibit one or more of the following
^ May have unique color and odor.
^ May contain undissolved water.
^ May contain sediments and suspended matter.
^ May appear cloudy and (after settling) may show signs of separation.
Gasoline additive G 001 700 03 or G 001770 A2 can be used for removal of existing carbon deposits from:
^ MPI engine
^ Injectors.
^ Combustion chambers.
^ Intake valves.
^ FSI engine
^ Injectors.
^ Combustion chambers.
Tip: For removal of carbon deposits from intake valves of FSI engines, refer to TSB 2019948.
Mix the additive with gasoline directly in the full fuel tank following the mix ratio. For example, 60 ml per 30 liters gasoline, 150 ml per 20 gallons
of gasoline.
Tip: This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty. The use of gasoline additive G 001 700 03 or G 001770 A2 is not
reimbursed under warranty.
If use of gasoline with a low content of deposit control additives is suspected:
Recommend to the customer the exclusive use of TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline. These products provide improved deposit control performance.
Current TOP TIER Gasoline retailers offering this product in all their octane grades include the following brands:
^ QuikTrip
^ Chevron
^ Conoco
^ Phillips 76
^ Shell
^ Entec Stations
^ MFA Oil Company
^ Kwik Trip/Kwik Star
^ The Somerset Refinery, Inc.
^ Chevron-Canada
^ Aloha Petroleum
^ Tri-Par Oil Company
^ Shell-Canada
^ Texaco
^ Petro-Canada
^ Sunoco-Canada
Tip: For more information on TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline, please see www.toptiergas.com.
This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty. The use of gasoline additive G 001 700 03 or G 001770 A2 is not
reimbursed under warranty.
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
Aston Martin Valkyrie Looks Spectacular In Revealing New Photos
The Aston Martin Valkyrie is easily one of the most anticipated new hypercars in a long time. Recently billed as “a diffuser on wheels,” Aston Martin is working with Red Bull to create one of the most powerful and aerodynamically efficient hypercars ever made that can be driven on the road.
On Instagram, the automaker has quietly released three new official photos of the Valkyrie, giving us our most revealing look yet at the revolutionary hypercar. Shown from above and from the side profile, the Valkyrie adopts a sleek futuristic shape that looks out of this world.
Its distinctive design certainly won’t look out of place when pitted alongside the recently revealed McLaren Speedtail and Mercedes-AMG One to form the next-generation hypercar holy trinity. The Valkyrie shown in the photos also features a previously unseen color scheme, sporting a two-tone finish with two contrasting shades of blue. The automaker describes the Valkyrie as “the ultimate expression in hypercar design and technology” on its social media page.
We also get a proper look at the F1-inspired cockpit. While the McLaren Speedtail adopts a centrally-positioned driving position like the F1, Aston Martin says the Valkyrie features “a reclined ‘feet up’ position, ensuring the driver feels at one with the car for the ultimate drive experience.” There’s extensive use of carbon fiber and Alcantara throughout as well as plenty of racing-inspired technology – even the steering wheel looks like it belongs in an F1 race car, with a display showing ground speed, engine speed, and other parameters.
Testing of the Aston Martin Valkyrie is said to begin later this year or early next year. The hypercar will be powered by a 6.5-liter V12 developed by Cosworth that produces 1,130 hp, making it the most powerful naturally aspirated engine you'll ever find in a road car. Production will be limited to 150 examples, with customer deliveries starting next year.
******** Audi A6セダン(4F2)V6-3.2L(カラ)技術的な診断-補 修#901238日:121207
90 12 38
センサー測定します。 表示が変わらないよ4話F(2話C)であります。 このコンセプトの両方に適用され、気温上昇します。
プログラミング戦略のものを回避するために実装された誤った読車により、温度センサの影響を受けることにより外部の影響などからの輻射熱のエンジン湾高架道路の表面温度などです。 誤った読みを避けを通じて以下の
を表示します。 例えば、停止、交通の車両はしばしば以下の12マイル(20km/h)、できる時間前を表示
すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス
******** 奥迪Q5Quattro(8RB)V6-3.2L(CALB)技术诊断和修理#851316日 期:130419
85 13 16
新鲜空气空是不起作用。 一个或多个下列Dtc可能存在的暖气和空调电子控制模块
(地址字08):^DTC01844 004(控制模块,用于新鲜空气鼓风机J126没有信/通信)
^DTC01644 014(控制模块,用于新鲜空气鼓风机J126问题)
^DTC01273 009(新鲜空气鼓风机-V2-打开/短路地)
^DTC01273 006号(新鲜空气鼓风机-V2-短路B+)
^DTC01273 009(新鲜空气鼓风机-V2-打开/短路地)
^DTC01273 006号(新鲜空气鼓风机-V2-短路B+)
所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务
******** Audi Q5Quattro(8RB)V6-3.2L(CALB)技術的な診断-補 修#910974日:091102
91 09 74
条件MMI3G故障時のiPhoneまたはiPod Touchを接続します。
iPhone、iPod Touchのファームウェア3.0で作業しないでください車が含まれている場合は、以2,700。 場合には台接続している
^お客様用パソコン設置のファームウェア3.1以上のiPhoneまたはiPod Touchます。
すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス
Genuine leather Key Fob Case Holder Cover for Maserati Ghibli GT GC Quattroporte
| $11.00 End Date: Thursday Jun-27-2019 20:07:14 PDT Buy It Now for only: $11.00 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
Sunday, 28 April 2019
Audi Won't Bring Confusing Naming Scheme To The US
Audi recently unveiled a new naming scheme that would include each model's power output. This sounded like a good idea, especially since BMW and Mercedes both use alphanumerical naming schemes that spell out what engine a certain car has. We couldn't wait to see what Audi's new scheme would look like, until we started to hear about it. For some reason, Audi decided to relate its scheme to how many kilowatts the engine produces. Not only do most people not use kilowatts, but the numbers don't even directly align with the output.

For example, an Audi with 81 to 96 kilowatts (108-128 horsepower) would have a 30 badge (for some reason). The numbers go up in increments to 70, with diesel models being a bit lower than gas models. If this all sounds confusing, that's because it is. Luckily, US buyers will not have to deal with learning this convoluted mess. Autoblog reports that Audi will not use this naming scheme in the US. At the recent A7 launch event, Audi representatives explained that the US has far fewer engine choices than markets like Europe, so there would be no need for the extra badges. US Audi models will likely retain the old formula of having the engine size on the back (such as 2.0T).
This sounds like a much easier solution, but we've seen in the past that this doesn't always work out well with Audi. For example, the 3.0T engine sounds like a 3.0-liter turbocharged engine, but was actually supercharged. Jaguar recently revealed a practically perfect naming scheme, which simply puts the horsepower of the car following either a P, D, or E (petrol, diesel or electric). For example a 3.0-liter F-Type with 380 hp would be badged as a P380. We don't know why Audi ever thought that this confusing naming scheme was a good idea, and we are glad that it isn't coming to the US.

******** Audi A4 Quattro Wagon (8K5) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical Service Bulletin # 571387 Date: 130327
Body - Door Can Be Opened From Inside But Not Outside
57 Door cannot be opened from outside, it can only be opened from inside
57 13 87
March 27, 2013
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 57 number 12-80 dated November 9, 2012 for reasons listed below.
Vehicle Information
The door cannot be opened from outside with the outer door handle, but it can be opened with the inner handle. The complaint is often described as
follows: The customer locks the vehicle and checks by pulling the door handle whether the vehicle is locked. When opening the vehicle again, the
door cannot be opened. It feels as if the handle is slack.
Technical Background
When fitting the Bowden cable from the mounting bar to the door lock, the cable can get kinked. In some cases, this can increase the inner friction of
the strand in the Bowden cable. As a result, the door lock stays in pressed position or does not completely return to its zero position (Figure 1).
When the Bowden cable gets twisted during the installation, the rubber grommets can get distorted. Consequently, the Bowden cable has a too-high
inner friction and the door lock does not move to the zero position (Figure 2).
Improved cable with 'L'-shaped attachment (Figure 3). Improved positioning of the locking collar.
1. Replace the cable. The bow does not need to be replaced unless damage to the component is evident. Remove/install the latch carrier ("bow"
according to ETKA) and Bowden cable together, as a set, according to the repair manual:
Repair Manual >> Body >> Body Exterior >> 57 Front doors, Central Locking System >> Removal and Installation >> Door Components >>
Door Lock, Bracket, Door Lock Actuating Link.
Manual >> Body >> Body Exterior >> 58 Rear doors >> Removal and Installation >> Rear Door Components >> Door Lock, Bracket,
Door Lock Actuating Link.
Do not separate the Bowden cable from the latch carrier ("bow" according to ETKA) while the carrier is installed in the vehicle. Ensure the
Bowden cable does not get damaged during the replacement procedure.
2. Assemble the latch carrier ("bow" according to ETKA) / Bowden cable assembly and the door lock together according to the steps below, before
installing into the vehicle:
a. Position the Bowden cable by holding the yellow sleeve in the lock (Figure 4).
b. Pull down the Bowden cable by holding the yellow sleeve (Figure 5). The locking mechanism is pulled along and the Bowden cable is
locked. Slot in the yellow locking mechanism to the left.
c. Do not twist the Bowden cable after the installation. To avoid twisting the cable, turn neither the lock nor the mounting bar (Figure 6).
All warranty claims submitted for payment must be in accordance with the Audi Warranty Policies and Procedures Manual. Claims are subject to
review or audit by Audi Warranty.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
manuals for the latest information.******** Audi Q7 Quattro (4LB) V6-3.0L DSL Turbo (CATA) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 570901 Date: 090209
Memory System - Personalized Memory Settings Inoperative
57 Personalized Memory Settings Of The Key Are Not Available
57 09 01
February 9, 2009
Vehicle Information
The customer may report that personalized memory settings (for example, electric exterior mirror, seat memory, radio, air conditioning, electric
steering wheel, etc.) are inoperative or incorrectly assigned when using the remote key.
Technical Background
The memory settings for each key are stored in the individual control unit (depending on the function) and not in the key itself.
Only the identification of the currently used remote key is transmitted on the CAN bus. Each participating control unit sets its own adjustments.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
To rule out the key as the root cause, check whether the remote key is correctly identified by the vehicle.
Only keys on positions 1 to 4 are included in the personalized memory settings functions. Keys from position 5 cannot be personalized.
- A3, TT, R8: Check MVB 10 in the convenience control unit (address word 46).
- A4 (B7), A4 Cabriolet: Check MVB 7 in the convenience control unit (address word 46).
- A4 (B8), A5, Q5: Check MVB 10 in the control unit for access/start authorization (address word 05).
- A6, Q7: Check MVB 11 in the control unit for access/start authorization (address word 05).
- A8: Check MVB 6 in the control unit for access/start authorization (address word 05).
If the identification of the key is correctly displayed, the key is operating to manufacturer specification.
The root cause for the condition must therefore be found in one of the participating control units.
This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
******** 奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)技术服务公告#691009日 期:100910
69 10 09
九月10 2010年取代的技术服务公告的组69号08-05月月3日,2008年的原因如下所列。
奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)636页
1. 请组装的下列信息之前放置的一个呼吁:^客户描述事件的修订包括:
一VAS测试诊断登录,使用的车辆自我诊断,安全气囊和动机控制单位存储在电子文档格式。VIN和顾客的名字都包括在内。 不清楚任何故障数据。
2. 地方叫到一个通用汽车工程师。
3. 如果客户要求的有关信息安全气囊或安全带系统,请告知客户,以叫客户服务中心。
担保奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)637页
工程师会决定下一步的行动。 这包括租赁或借用车辆偿还费用。
所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务
| $24.76 End Date: Thursday Jun-27-2019 11:01:06 PDT Buy It Now for only: $24.76 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
マニュアルの最新情報です。******** Audi A6セダン(4F2)V6-3.2L(カラ)技術的 な診断-補修#911064日:101015
91 10 64
月15 2010年
ソフトウェアの問題、お客様の携帯電話の3G MMIメインユニット(SF)です。
1. 以来、根本原因の状態については、お客様の携帯電話または本ソフトウェアのMMI3Gメインユニット(5F)は、所定の手続きを踏むこと
します。 お客様の生の声をお聞きするかどうかのリストまたは電話帳がダウンロードする前にこの車両です。
bます。 かどうか判定その他の電話機能が正しく動作しなければならない。cます。 かどうか判定の携帯電話およびファームウェアのアップデート版が承認された(審査リストwww.audiusa.comlbluetoothます。
2. の場合すべての3つの基準のステップ1では有効な手続きは以下の通りです:
します。 お客様の生の声をお聞きする場合は、電話ファームウェアを更新しましたまたはアプリケーション(該当する場合)を追加しました以前の事故になります。
bます。 の電池の電話の待することを見いだしました。
cます。 再度、電池再ます。
dます。 べて削除するBluetooth接続のMMI電話メニューの携帯に電話します。
eます。 再接続、電話の車両です。fます。 リセット電話の設定をMMI3Gメインユニット(5F)デフォルトです。
gます。 手動で開始電話帳にサポートいたします。
3. 場合に固執し、の二つの追加チェックします。
します。 の電話帳の輸入のリスト表示は、お客様の携帯電話を正しく動作する他のMMI3G-搭載車両です。
bます。 お客様の車両の電話帳の輸入のリスト表示の別の承認済みの電話機能"を確認してください。◆
4. お客さまの携帯電話ください別の車両を別の電話と同じ条件は、お客様の車両を行
以下のします。 ソフトウェアのアップデートを、MMI3Gシステムによるので、以下の手順です。
1. チェックMMI3Gシステムソフトウェアのバージョン
2. 更新ソフトウェアのMMI3Gシステム
3. を行う声ドキュメントをSVM
1. チェックMMI3Gシステムソフトウェアのバージョン
1. スイッチの着火および待ち約1分。
2. プレスの設定に戻すボタンを同時にholdボタンを押約5秒になっています。このメッセージが表示され、システムはまだ完全に初期化されます。 数秒待ちし"ボタンを押します。
3. 現在の読みMMI電車(Zug)バージョンです。
4. 電車(Zug)バージョンは以下の表のようになり更新されなければならない。
2. 更新MMI3Gシステムソフトウェア
1. 接続認可されたAudi電池のメンテナ/充電車です。
2. スイッチを切りすべての不必要な電気機器(ブローシートヒーター、インテリアの光など)です。ヒント:もなっていることを確認ください電磁干渉源(携帯電話運営されており、その近辺では、車両を個別に制御ユニット
ヒント:完全かつ詳細な指示をMMI3Gシステム更新については、添付を指示します。 (注:この添付を指示して
汎用します。 一部の部分に適用されない場合がありこの特定のTSBます。 輸出入のお客様コードデータを必要としないこMMI3G更新
3. Insert、update CDのMMI3Gメイン(ヘッド)ドライブユニットの中心に位置また、インストルメントパネルです。4. 開始の"ok"ボタンをクリックします。
5ます。 ソフトウェアのアップデートの更新に行けるので確認を中断キャンセルト"を選択します。 のMMI3Gシステムを再起動します。 その
3. を行う意文書をSVM:
1. 指示に従って行動しましょうを添付TSB2011732 00ソフトウェアのバージョン管理(SVM)、営業指示します。
2. 確認を計画するパラメータの設定その他モフモフした生物全般がします。
3. そして試験を行うプログラム"5F-情報エレクトロニクスは、リセット誤りの記憶"を明確に切断層のシステムです。先端なコントロールユニットを出の一部としての声ドキュメントを比較します。 を絶対に行わないでください更新します。 な置き換え
^TSB2011732 00ソフトウェアのバージョン管理(SVM)、営業指示します。
すべての部分とサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部です。 やサービスマニュアル
Audi Wants To Build A BMW 8 Series Rival
The upcoming revival of BMW’s 8 Series coupe is, not surprisingly, spurring the competition to act. Speaking to Autocar, Audi design chief March Lichte is game for a direct 8 Series rival, but there’s a problem: a weak market for luxury coupes. “I love the shape of a two-door coupe, but it is also true that the (sales) volumes (for them) are much lower than four-doors. In the future, who knows? We have many ideas in this direction,” Lichte said when asked about the segment possibility.

Although Audi doesn’t seem to have anything in the pipeline at the moment, it will surely watch sales figures of the upcoming 8 Series closely as well as the new Polestar 1. Mercedes-Benz, of course, offers the S-Class coupe and AMG high-performance versions, all of which are selling well. Audi previewed its latest styling language in 2014 with the Prologue Concept, and both the new A8 sedan and A5 coupe designs were directly inspired by it. However, when the Prologue Concept was launched, Audi was thinking about offering a production version as sort of a sister coupe ship to the new A8, but ultimately passed on the idea. It was basically the A9 that never happened.
But that was a few years ago and the market is once again changing somewhat. A large coupe, especially if it’d be all-electric, would definitely be interesting. In the meantime, Audi is focused on upcoming launches of the next-generation A6, followed by the Q8 crossover and the new A1 and Q3. This will be completed by the end of 2019, but after that things remain up in the air. A heavily re-skinned Porsche Mission E, perhaps?

******** Audi A4 Quattro Wagon (8K5) L4 2.0 L Turbo (CAEB) Bulletin de Service Technique # 961228 Date: 120127
Antivol - DTC 02811 Après Repl. Verrou De Colonne De Direction
96 DTC 02811 dans l'Accès Autorisation de Démarrage de l'unité de Contrôle après le remplacement de l'Électronique Verrou de Colonne de Direction J764
96 12 28
Janvier 27, 2012.Deux cent soixante quinze
Véhicules Concernés
Après le remplacement de l'unité de contrôle électronique de verrou de colonne de direction (J764), le DTC entrée "2811 - unité de commande de verrou de colonne de direction
(électronique verrou de colonne de direction) - mauvais ne peut pas être effacée par la faute de la mémoire de l'accès autorisation de démarrage de l'unité de contrôle (J393), adresse
code 05.
De Formation Technique
Il y a un logiciel de diagnostic d'erreur dans l'accès autorisation de démarrage de l'unité de contrôle (J393) qui n'autorise pas ce DTC d'être effacé de lafaute de mémoire. En conséquence, l'accès autorisation de démarrage de l'unité de contrôle (J393) doit avoir son logiciel de mise à jour après le remplacement de l'électronique
verrou de colonne de direction (J764) afin de permettre à la DTC à être effacé de la (J393) de l'unité de contrôle. Remplacement de la colonne de direction serrure électronique
(J764) un deuxième temps ne permettra pas à la DTC entrée dans le J393 d'être effacées.
La Solution De Production De
Logiciel d'optimisation a été mis en production.
Astuce: mettre à Jour le logiciel de l'accès et autorisation de démarrage (J393) unité de contrôle pour AVANT de changer la colonne de direction serrure électronique (J764)unité de commande une SECONDE fois. Remplacement de la colonne de direction serrure électronique de l'unité de contrôle d'un deuxième délai ne pourra être acceptée par la garantie. Ce contrôle
l'unité ne doit être remplacé qu'une seule fois.
1. Il existe deux variations possibles de l'accès autorisation de démarrage de l'unité de contrôle (J393) et ils peuvent être reconnus par les deux partie
numéros, 8K0 907 064 XX & 8K0 907 289 X (où "X" ET "XX" désigner n'importe quel numéro de suffixe combinaison). Chaque partie doit être traitée dans un
de manière différente, comme indiqué ci-dessous. La raison pour cela est que pas tous partie des variations peuvent soutenir une mise à jour du logiciel.2. Pour un accès autorisation de démarrage de l'unité de contrôle (J393) avec P/N 8K0 907 064, vérifiez la version du logiciel de l'unité de contrôle et de déterminer si l'
le logiciel peut être mis à jour (voir le tableau ci-dessous). Passez à l'Étape 4.
SVM Instructions de mise à Jour
Suivez toutes les instructions de BST 2011732 00 Logiciel de Gestion de Version (SVM), les instructions de fonctionnement.
Mise à jour de l'accès confort autorisation de démarrage/commodité module de contrôle (J393) à l'aide de la SVM code d'action figurant dans le tableau ci-dessus. Si l'
niveau logiciel est déjà au niveau répertorié dans le tableau, passez à l'étape 3.3. Pour un accès autorisation de démarrage des unités de contrôle (J393) avec P/N 8K0 907 289, seul le remplacement du matériel peut être effectuée. Veuillez référence BST
2024111 lors du remplacement de l'unité de contrôle en raison d'un ou deux SVM Codes seront requis pour exécuter le SVM de codage et le paramétrage de l'
la nouvelle unité de contrôle.
4. Pour P/N 8K0 907 064, si une mise à jour logicielle n'est pas possible ou si le logiciel est déjà au niveau figurant dans le tableau ci-dessus, puis remplacez le
276l'accès et autorisation de démarrage (J393) de l'unité de contrôle. Veuillez référence BST 2024111 lors du remplacement de l'unité de contrôle, car un SVM Code sera
nécessaires pour effectuer les SVM codage et le paramétrage de la nouvelle unité de contrôle.
Des Informations Supplémentaires
La suite de Bulletin de Service Technique seront nécessaires pour effectuer cette procédure:
^ BST 2011732 00 Logiciel de Gestion de Version (SVM), les instructions de fonctionnement
^ BST 2024111 57 Remplacé Confort unité de commande du Système (BCM2) ne peuvent être codésToutes les pièces de service et les références fournies dans ce BST sont sujettes à modification et/ou suppression. Toujours vérifier auprès de votre Département des Pièces et service
manuels pour les informations les plus récentes.
BMW Genuine M Performance Side Lft High-Gloss Black Trim Grill M Performance F85
| $145.65 End Date: Thursday Jun-27-2019 4:44:28 PDT Buy It Now for only: $145.65 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
******** Audi TT Quattro Coupe (8J3) L4-2.0L Turbo (CCTA) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 011244 Date: 120316
Engine - MIL ON/DTC's P2187/P2197/P2279/Oil Leaks
01 MIL on (P1297, P2187, P2279), oil leaks
01 12 44
March 16, 2012.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 01 number 11 - 37 dated November 23, 2011 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
One or more of the following conditions may be present:
^ MIL on, and one or more of following DTCs are stored in ECM data memory:
^ P1297 (Connection charger-throttle valve, pressure loss).
^ P2187 (Fuel trim bank 1, system too lean at idle speed).
^ P2279 (Intake air system leak).
^ Whistle noise, air rushing noise from engine.
^ Oil leaks from oil filler cap.
Technical Background
The conditions described may be caused by a malfunction of the crankcase ventilation pressure regulating valve or turbo intake pipe (Figure 1),
resulting in excessive vacuum or excessive pressure being applied to the engine crankcase.
The guide pin of the check valve in the intake manifold side of the valve (Figure 2) may break, preventing the check valve from correctly sealing
when boost pressure is present in the intake manifold. Intake boost pressure may thus be applied to the engine crankcase, resulting in possible oil
A whistling noise or air rushing sound may be the consequence of an excessive amount of vacuum being applied to the engine crankcase. This
condition can be detected by verifying whether the oil filler cap is being firmly held in position to the engine even after it has been unlocked.
Production Solution
Improved crankcase pressure regulating valve and turbo intake pipe.
1. Verify that 17D9 UPDATE - Pressure Control Valve (Warr_Ext) has been performed (if applicable).
2. Remove Pressure Control Valve and check part number. (See table below).
If Improved crankcase pressure regulating valve and turbo pipe already installed
Repair vehicle as per GFF diagnostic result and replace only the component causing the malfunction.
If Old style valve and pipe installed:
Install improved pressure regulating valve and/or turbo pipe according to table above.
Verify application for vehicle VIN in ETKA.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
******** Audi A6 Sedan (4F2) V6-3.2L (CALA) Technical Service Bulletin # 911374 Date: 130205
Parking Assist System - False Warnings Set
91 Parking assistance provides false warnings
91 13 74
February 5, 2013
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 91 number 12-61 dated October 1, 2012 for reasons listed.
Vehicle Information
Customer states one of the following:
^ Parking aid sporadically warns of obstacles when none exist.
^ Parking aid is inoperative or provides constant warning.
Technical Background
^ Various parking aid sensor fitting issues.
^ Environmental conditions.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
Misaligned parking aid sensors or various vehicle mountings can cause parking aid malfunctions. This TSB provides diagnosis tips related to
parking aid systems.
1. Verify that the coding within J446 - Parking Aid Control Module is valid for the equipment installed on the vehicle (i.e.: trailer hitch, tow bar,
2. Check the vehicle fault memory and proceed according to GFF.
^ If GFF identifies a problem with a specific sensor, proceed with the test plan.
^ If GFF does not identify a specific sensor, check MVBs in J446 - Parking Aid Control Module starting with MVBs for oscillation.
MVBs for internal sensor oscillation (if applicable) (acceptable values = 0.8 to 1.5ms). If the oscillation is not within specification, proceed
to step 10.
MVBs for distance calculations (255 = no obstruction). If an obstruction is identified but none exists, proceed to step 3.
Vehicles can be equipped with 4- or 8-channel parking aid systems. Refer to ElsaWeb for vehicle-specific information.
3. Check parking sensors for obvious issues:
^ Mechanical damage (stone chips, scratches).
^ Dirt, ice, foreign bodies, foil adhered to sensor.
^ Damage to the bumpers that may indicate an accident (or paint indicating a previous incident).
Exterior damage to the vehicle, including stone chips and scratches, is not covered by Audi Warranty. When painting sensors, the special painting
instructions" for parking sensors in the paint repair manual must be observed.
4. Check for non-Audi Genuine Accessories which can interfere with parking aid operation, including:
^ Aftermarket towing bar.
^ Aftermarket lowering kit.
^ Aftermarket spoiler or air deflector.
^ Aftermarket bumper.
5. For 8-channel systems, check the installation of the front license plate holder for:
^ Protrusion. The license plate and holder must fit on flat.
^ Bent corners. Any bent-open corners may cause false readings.
^ Correct fit. Oversized license plate holders or frames can obstruct parking aid sensors.
6. Pressure check for a tight fit and correct attachment of the parking sensors. If the sensor is not snug or feels loose, remove the bumper and
reinstall the sensor.
7. Check that the decoupling ring is correctly seated. If the ring is folded or bulging, remove the bumper and reinstall the sensor.
8. Verify that the sensor is centered inside of the mounting hole. If the sensor is mounted off-center, remove the bumper and reinstall the sensor.
9. Ensure the sensor sits flush with the bumper. If the sensor is recessed or bulging, remove the bumper and reinstall the sensor.
10. Re-evaluate the concern:
^ If an issue was identified and the concern was remedied, proceed to step 15.
^ If no issues were identified and the concern cannot be duplicated, proceed to step 15.
^ If the concern still persists, proceed to step 11.
11. Remove the bumper and check the connectors on the sensors, the socket box of the bumper, on the control unit for parking assistance and on the
sound generator of the parking assistance for:
^ Corrosion.
^ Water ingress or water marks.
^ Bent-open pins.
^ Pushed-back pins.
^ Correct fit of plug seal.
If a specific sensor is identified by the diagnostic tester, proceed forward for that specific sensor only.
12. Check the cables in the bumper for damage and sufficient length. Cables that are too short can cause damage to the harness.
^ If the cable is damaged, repair the cable using VAS Repair Kit 1978.
^ If the cable is too tight, correct the routing by moving the support clip so the cable is no longer under tension.
13. Check the connectors on the parking sensors and the socket box for correct installation. If the connectors are not installed properly, reinstall.
14. Re-evaluate the concern:
^ If an issue was identified and the concern was remedied, proceed to step 15.
^ If the concern still persists, swap affected parking aid sensors or control modules until issue is identified, remedy the concern, and proceed
to step 15.
15. Various environmental factors can cause incorrect warnings. Notify the customer that the following may affect parking aid operation:
^ High plants and curbs.
^ Gravel paths, cobblestone paths, pot holes, grates, sharp bends in the road, slopes, driveways or ramps.
^ Water on the parking sensors.
^ Ice, snow on the parking sensor or the bumper.
^ Exhaust gases of the vehicle under certain weather conditions.
^ Conflicting ultrasound sources (pneumatic brakes on trucks, animal alarms, parking aid systems of other vehicles, etc.).
^ Fluorescent lighting.
Accounting for an incorrectly fitted license plate holder or for cleaning the sensors is not permitted under warranty. For the potential remounting of
parking assist sensor, replacing of the parking assist sensor bracket, or repairing system wiring.
All warranty claims submitted for payment must be in accordance with the Audi Warranty Policies and Procedures Manual. Claims are subject to
review or audit by Audi Warranty.
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.
BMW Genuine M Performance Front Left High-Gloss Black Trim Grill M Performance G
| $153.38 End Date: Thursday Jun-27-2019 2:32:12 PDT Buy It Now for only: $153.38 Buy It Now | Add to watch list |
******** Audi TTS Quattro Roadster (8J9) L4-2.0 L Turbo (CDMA) техническая диагностика и ремонт # 641223 Дата: 120801
Тело-Ветровое Стекло Прожилками / Чувствует / Грубо
64 очистка наружного стекла
64 12 232020552/3
1 августа 2012.
Заменяет Бюллетень технической службы группы 64 номер 09-05 от 9 июня 2009 по причинам, перечисленным ниже.
Пострадавшие Транспортные Средства
Лобовое стекло с прожилками, имеет змеиный вид, или поверхность лобового стекла чувствует себя грубо.
техническое образование
На ветровом стекле могут скапливаться остатки промышленных осадков, а также обычная дорожная грязь и грязь.
производственное решение
Совет: эту процедуру необходимо выполнить и проверить перед заменой щеток стеклоочистителя. Все заявки гарантии будут отвергнуты если дефект нет
найдено.1. Вымойте и высушите все пораженные поверхности наружного стекла.
2. Разместите дворники в служебном положении.
3. Используя уборщика домочадца стеклянного (как Уборщик Windex(R) или 3m (TM) стеклянный), очистьте выпарку от лезвий счищателя.
Совет: не используйте Полировальный компаунд 3M(TM) для очистки щеток стеклоочистителя.
Используя смесь стекла 3m (TM) Полируя:
1. Встряхните бутылку, чтобы смешать продукт равномерно.
2. Применяйте очиститель непосредственно к внешней стороне лобового стекла как на стороне водителя, так и на стороне пассажира.
3. Используйте чистую сухую ткань из микрофибры(например, 3M(TM) Perfect-It (TM)III Auto Detailing Cloth Yellow).Энергично очистите лобовое стекло длинными горизонтальными ударами.
Старайтесь избегать нанесения продукта на оконную отделку.
4. Дайте высохнуть до образования тонкого пленочного слоя (дымки).
Совет: время сушки зависит от температуры окружающей среды. Температура от 15 до C или ниже может продлить время засыхания.
5. Используйте садовый шланг для ополаскивания лобового стекла. Также прополощите любой продукт который невольно был приложен к отделке.
6. С чистой, сухой тканью microfiber, сухой и стеклом буйволовой кожи к чистому блеску.
7. С теплой водой, влажной и кольцевой из ткани из микрофибры. Оботрите любую выпарку которая сделала контакт с уравновешиванием или резиной.
ГарантияЭтот TSB является только информационным и не применяется к любой гарантии Audi.
Необходимые части и инструменты
дополнительная информация
Все части и сервисные ссылки, представленные в настоящем TSB, могут быть изменены и / или удалены. Всегда проверяйте с Вашими частями отделом и обслуживанием
инструкции для последней информации.
******** Audi A4 Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0 L Turbo (CAEB) 锟斤拷锟斤拷荮荮支锟 街нэ拷 锟斤拷支锟竭иэ拷支锟杰э拷锟?锟斤拷荮锟截бэ拷 # 170909 锟斤拷锟窖 э拷锟? 090521
170909 - 05/21/09
Here's How The Audi RS Q5 Wants To Crush The BMW X3 M
High-performance luxury SUVs are big business for Audi and BMW, so of course there’s an entertaining battle between the two for the ultimate uber-tastic models. Last September at Paris, Audi unveiled its all-new Q5 and SQ5, but what we’re particularly anxious for is the arrival of the RS Q5. That will likely happen this September at Frankfurt, but today Auto Express has learned which engine Audi has chosen to power this thing: the 2.9-liter twin-turbo V6 straight from the RS5 Coupe. Power will be routed to all four wheels, which is a given.

Exact power and performance figures aren’t available yet, but expect roughly the same 444 hp as the RS5. However, because the RS Q5 will be heavier than the RS5 (SUV vs. coupe), performance times will take a slight hit. Still, a 0-62 mph time of less than five seconds seems doable, while top speed will once again be electronically limited to 155 mph. Notable exterior differences from the Q5 and SQ5 will include the familiar RS upgrades, such as sculpted air intakes, LED headlights, and larger wheels with low profile tires. The interior will be covered in premium leather and lots of carbon fiber trim, as well as RS badging galore.
Pricing will likely start at around $65,000, given that the current SQ5 begins at $54,000. Along with the also upcoming first ever BMW X3 M, other rivals will include the Porsche Macan Turbo and the Mercedes-AMG GLC 43. More details should arrive in the coming weeks.

******** Audi A8クアトロセダン(4E2)V8-4.2L(右)技術的な診断-補 修#271213日:120322
27 12 13
お客さまの報告書で排出される際は、電池を開始しようとした車両です。 条件の結果なのが始まります。
1. 場合には車両搭載電池のエネルギーマネージャ(J644)またはバッテリー診断マネージャ(J367)を実施してくださいTSB2025360,27低
2. を確認する電池は、以下のTSBsによっては、車両用機器:
3. 場合電池は不完全であり、置き換えてくる指示書をもとに、使用するTSBます。
4. る場合は引き分け現在に存在する車両による電流計と誘導ピックアップなどの5051B、または類似のツールなど
します。 開始の車両および動作し、すべてのお客車(ラジオ、ライト、加熱席ドアロック、サンルーフは、電力liftgate等)bます。 遮車、左右のフロントドア、フード後"蓋"です。 手動ラッチは全て開く項目へのアクセス用ヒューズボックスです。
cます。 ゼロの電流計と、を貼り付けアンプクランプの負のバッテリーケーブルです。 ロック車用のリモート観測は、電流計、
べきスパイクを簡単に海外宣教の道が大きくはご利用いただけません。 このことを確認し電流計が正確に作動しています。 車両のする情報を提供する場合があり確認
dます。 2時間後の電流計を読んで下0.040(40mAます。場合は、上記40mAがあったことを源の過度の描画を進めることによりステップ4です。
場合に車両を超えない最大限の睡眠状態の電流を行い長期(夜間)測定試験です。 記録の長期
測定MIN/MAXの設定をスキャンツールです。 場合に長期測定のものを超えない最大限の睡眠状態の電流は、
5ます。 可能性を判断することを求めソースの場合、電流、電圧降下を測定し、車載用ヒューズのVAS Scantoolマルチメータは、吸虫マルチメータまたはそれに相当します。
6ます。 "MV"規模のマルチメータ、測定の電圧用ヒューズのような正において主導的な役割を担う一方の側のヒューズ、
負において主導的な役割を担うの他(図1)。 取絶対値の読みの電圧降下を無視するも陰りが見え)として参照電圧図
どの電流回路には、現在、がかかります。 見識別Cuffentによる消費マトリックスです。
7. このプロセスを継続するまでのヒューズが不適切な量の描画(40mA以上)が発見されます。
8. 一度に融合回路を用のサービス修理-配線図情報ElsaWebる全ての部品に関する回路です。
9. 計測する車両の消費電流、電圧降下のヒューズです。 の場合の値は、通常の範囲は、コンポーネントが過剰に描くれます。 の場合の値が高すぎるし、手順を繰り返し5-7までの間にコンポーネントを識別します。
10. 場合に連絡する必要がありますTACのための追加ガイダンスは、以下のものをご用意ください情報を開く前に連絡します。 まTAC支援
^したものを日付/時間にクラスター正しいのか? ない場合は、何れにあたりました日時を表示します。^た、どのようにすればいいですか?
^写真を添付してアンプAudi Q7A4Avant、A6Avant車の場合、アンプのない明らかな兆候の水害です。
11. 帰りの車のお客様は、試験電池の電荷状態を確認するのでは85%です。 場合にはSOCではこの値以下に、
^TSB2023330、27日のバッテリー試験および充電-車BEM(J644)^TSB2014127,27電池dead or低後の車両
すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス