Bluetooth(R) - MMI Screen Freezes When Downloading Phone Book
91 Bluetooth - MMI freezes or voice recognition inoperable due to phone book
91 12 38
March 2, 2012.
Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 91 number 11 - 18 dated October 7, 2011 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
1. MMI screen freezes when downloading a phone book with a large amount of contacts in one of the following scenarios:
^ After the initial Bluetooth connection (shortly after the manual programming of the phone to vehicle) the MMI display briefly freezes.
^ After switching on the ignition (shortly after the phone reconnects with the vehicle).
^ After downloading the phone book.
2. When using the voice recognition system with the command Call
MMI screen stating the phone book is too large and the voice recognition system cannot be used to make a call.
Tip: The command "Call
either menu is displayed the message above can appear when pressing the voice recognition button (push to talk) on the steering wheel.
Technical Background
The MMI converts the name and phone number fields into a voice command (text to speech). Extensive processing takes place if too many letters
are used in the phone contact first name and surname or if numbers or special characters are entered. Therefore the MMI does not respond until the
process is completed or may freeze if fields are too large or do not follow typical formatting. Also, the text to speech capacity is exceeded and the
voice recognition system is rendered inactive.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
Ensure the customer phone is compatible with the vehicle model and model year.
For either issue, address book entries must follow the guidelines as listed below:
Name field:
^ Letters only should be used in the first and surname. No numbers, brackets, addresses, or URLs.
^ Maximum 40 letters for the first name and maximum 40 letters for the surname.
Tip: With regards to voice recognition issues, the specified 40 letters are only a reference point, as the spoken and written length differs.
"Sch" = three letters, but only one syllable.
"W" = one letter, but three syllables.
With special characters and numbers the difference between spoken and written length is even larger.
"1234" = four characters, but ten syllables (one thousand two hundred and thirty four).
Phone number field:
^ Only numbers with the exception of +, #, or *. No brackets, letters or URLs should be used. Maximum length is 63 characters.
Tip: When using desktop software e.g. iTunes or Outlook observe the above points.
Example of address and information saved under a name exceeding 40 characters (Figure 1).
Example of special characters to avoid using (Figure 2).
This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.