Thursday, 30 August 2018

Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical Service Bulletin # 371119 Date: 110131

Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical Service Bulletin # 371119 Date: 110131

A/T - ATF Fluid Leaks From Pan

37 ATF pan leaks

37 11 19


January 31, 2011.

Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 37 number 08 - 16 dated December 16, 2008 for reasons listed below.


Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 406


Automatic transmission leaking at sump pan gasket.


As the sump pan gasket settles, the torque of the bolts decreases and the seal may leak.


For transmissions 01V and 01L: No change.

For transmissions 09E and 09L, a rubber metal sump pan seal from:

^ 8E_6A177000 (A4 with 09L transmission)

^ 4F_6N121750 (A6 with 09L transmission)

^ 4E_6N016460 (A8 with 09L transmission)

^ 4F_7N036440 (A6 with 09E transmission)

^ 4E_7N005290 (A8 with 09E transmission)

For the 0B6, 0B5, and 0BK transmissions, a rubber metal sump pan seal in production from introduction of the transmissions.


1. Tighten the transmission sump pan bolts to the specified torque. (Refer to repair manual for specific model).

2. Clean the sump pan and the transmission housing with brake cleaner spray.

3. Test drive the vehicle and inspect the sump pan gasket for leaks. A moist seal is normal.



Audi A4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Page 407

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.