Sunday 9 June 2019

'Collide' Movie Trailer Makes Fast And Furious Look Tame

If you thought the car stunts in The Fate of the Furious were spectacular, wait until you see this.

If Collide isn’t already on your 2017 car movie radar, it should be. Mad Max: Fury Road’s Nicholas Hoult and Rogue One’s Felicity Jones star in this car-centric action movie due to speed into theaters on February 24. A new trailer has just dropped, treating us to an obscene amount of automotive action. The story sounds predictably standard-fare. Hoult plays a character called Casey who goes on the run from ruthless gang members fronted by mob boss played by Anthony Hopkins because he stole some of their “precious cargo.”

Casey’s girlfriend Julia, played by Felicity Jones, gets embroiled, and it soon becomes a race against time to save her. Of course, it’s all just an excuse to show some high-octane action scenes on the streets and autobahns of Germany. Numerous cars are put through their paces, including an Aston Martin Rapide S, Jaguar XFR and Mercedes SLS.

Dare we say it, some of the stunts in Collide look more spectacular than The Fate of the Furious – or at least slightly more plausible. We'd love to know exactly how many cars were destroyed during the production. While we probably won’t lose any sleep over the on-screen destruction of a Citroen C5 wagon, which gets wrecked beyond recognition in a huge high-speed rollover, it’s not often you see a Jaguar XFR crash into a BMW X3, or a Mercedes-Benz ML flipping end-over-end. If all you want from your movies is crazy car action, Collide looks like it fits the bill perfectly.