Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Audi Q7 Quattro Technical 971002 Date: 100423 Body Controls - Bulb Out Message After VEC Replacement 97 After replacing J519, "Defective light bulb" warning light illuminates 97 10 02

Audi Q7 Quattro Technical 971002 Date: 100423
Body Controls - Bulb Out Message After VEC Replacement
97 After replacing J519, "Defective light bulb" warning light illuminates
97 10 02
April 23, 2010
Affected Vehicles
The technician may encounter the following condition after replacing an inoperative 09- Vehicle Electrical Control Module J519:
^ Defective light bulb warning displayed in IP cluster center display; however, the sidemarker lights are functioning.
^ The following two DTCs are stored in Vehicle Electrical Control Module J519:
^ DTC 01494/011 (Bulb for Left Parking Lamp - M1, open circuit)
^ DTC 01498/011 (Bulb for Right Parking Lamp - M3, open circuit)
Technical Background
Due to a change in the software of the vehicle electrical control module, an additional adaptation has to be performed when replacing the module.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
1. To change the adaptation channel value, perform test plan J519-Technical Bulletin in Guided Fault Findings via Function / Component Selection.
 Audi Q7 Quattro 270
Tip: This GFF testplan is available from VAS Scantool Version 17.18.00.
2. Erase the fault code entries in 09 - Vehicle Electrical Control Module J519.
Required Parts and Tools
VAS Scantool Version 17.18 and higher
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.